AGE OF CHRONOS : dApp Staking proposal

Thank you, we appreciate your real support. Unfortunately it is not possible. The doors are closed.
In general we give little weight to luck in what we do, we only need competence and transparency in what we do, even if sometimes you can make yourself hated for this.

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Hello, to update you since there are many of you who are our supporters on astar, on the results obtained by our MVP in recent months. Currently each game allows the activation of about 21 smart contracts and a total of about 20 ONCHAIN ​​transactions (depends on how the game goes) for each level in which only one player plays. There are about 500 unique mints (first equippable and animated 3D collection in the world), 25% of these have started and finished the missions, the remaining part has played without finishing or not played. We aim to reach 500 unique players as soon as possible, which will allow us through small game fees, truly irrelevant, to be self-sustaining and to guarantee the network that supports us about 10,000 tx per day for each open level. Have a good day everyone :wave: