D8A - dApp Staking Application

My last comment in this thread related to this.

These are all prominent figures in the Astar ecosystem (official or not)

There’s open shilling and marketing by these prominent figures (as they are financially incentivised to do so) who have their own Discord rooms with large audiences to encourage / influence normal users / people who don’t visit this forum to stake in a certain dApp for an airdrop they receive referral bonus in.

Even the owner of this dApp in this thread (not an official ambassador as far as i know) openly states he will be staking for Neuro airdrop (and not even his own dApp that barely passed!) based off incorrect calculations he made (if i didn’t correct this, it may have influenced people reading this thread). That’s how open these people are now because there’s no controls in place - no-one else is even raising these points - it seems no-one cares or there’s too many people in on it.

Further proving my point, the only reason this dApp was accepted was because this guy is friends with the majority of people voting (mostly official ambassadors - read the comments above).

Maybe it’s just me that sees issues here and i’m the stupid one.