D8A - dApp Staking Application

This comment doesn’t sit right with me…so you’re not supporting your own project? Then why bother get it listed for dApp staking at all…doesn’t make any sense.

Well I did the maths a while back…
If I stake with my own project then I get an extra 2.5%ish…
If I stake with Neuro then I get 4% per $m marketcap…
And I guess I’m a gambling man :laughing:

This is a dapp staking problem really.

Can you please share your calculations?

Neurolanche have stated that only 100,000 Nero are available for season 2, and they don’t even know how much will be allocated per Astar yet as per recent comments in their Discord.

They also aren’t doing any staking kickback this season.

So i am very interested to know how you landed on 4% - nearly double the rewards.

Also very interesting that as a dApp owner you have no faith in your own project - despite any ‘math’ you have inside knowledge and roadmap plans for the future of your project. Why should we as a community and token holders? (And the many people who voted yes to listing in here)

hmm maybe I calculated based on things that are now untrue…

lemme recalculate based on 100k rewards this season…
So if there is 300m staked and I stake 1m ($66k)…
I would get 333 NEURO tokens…
10,000,000 total supply
$1m marketcap would get me $33.30
4 seasons = $133 per $1m
So now it’s 0.2% per $1m…
$10m marketcap = $1330 = 2%ish… meh…

I think I calculated it @ 1% per $1m before actually and forgot if I multiplied by 4 for the seasons…

OK so not as good as it was before…
But you can understand my problem…
Maybe I will stake a bit in my own project to get myself to the next tier…

I always suggest to people to stake in NEURO instead of D8A because I’m not offering anything.
I got dapp staking because I wanted the tool to be recognised within the community.
I also have some features coming that go well with dapp staking :fire:

I think you’ve actually highlighted a different issue with dApp staking…

The community, and not even official Astar ambassadors, are not informed, and making recommendations to other users to stake in a certain dApp based off of false and misleading misinformation.

Not to mention official Astar ambassadors received referral bonus from Neuro token private sale.

Even reading the comments above, the only reason this dApp was accepted was because of who you know. It barely scraped through.

This whole system stinks to be honest - no wonder Astar token is crashing hard. I wonder if the core team are even aware of this - it’s either incompetence or worse from the official ambassadors (or a mixture).

Ultimately core team are at fault for not implementing proper controls around governance and allowing conditions for this to happen in the first place.


As an official technical ambassador for the Astar ecosystem I have no idea what you are talking about, do we earn a percentage for recommending Neurolanche? What are you talking about? Most of us are not even linking to the dApp, so your comment is way out of context.

I wanted to ignore your post but then other community members read it and believe it to be true, so here I am refuting it.

Regarding governance, we are already working on increasing decentralization, at this point we are using Townhall and in the coming months we will see great things around the topic of fairer governance.

Please spare me your comments that are baseless.

Screenshots taken from the Neurolanche Discord.

Thanks for ignoring the rest of my “baseless” points - it’s impossible to have a constructive conversation around here.

And directly from the private sale launchpad

This is not a NEURO discussion board though… :sweat:
Let’s keep it on topic…

Hello @FFR23

To clarify your point, these are Neurolanche ambassadors from the Neurolanche ambassador program, not from the Astar ecosystem agent program.

Astar agents do not receive a referral bonus from the Neuro token private sale.

Let’s keep the discussion focused on D8A. If you’d like to share other concerns about this topic, you can open a new topic or use the existing topics related to neurolanche.

My last comment in this thread related to this.

These are all prominent figures in the Astar ecosystem (official or not)

There’s open shilling and marketing by these prominent figures (as they are financially incentivised to do so) who have their own Discord rooms with large audiences to encourage / influence normal users / people who don’t visit this forum to stake in a certain dApp for an airdrop they receive referral bonus in.

Even the owner of this dApp in this thread (not an official ambassador as far as i know) openly states he will be staking for Neuro airdrop (and not even his own dApp that barely passed!) based off incorrect calculations he made (if i didn’t correct this, it may have influenced people reading this thread). That’s how open these people are now because there’s no controls in place - no-one else is even raising these points - it seems no-one cares or there’s too many people in on it.

Further proving my point, the only reason this dApp was accepted was because this guy is friends with the majority of people voting (mostly official ambassadors - read the comments above).

Maybe it’s just me that sees issues here and i’m the stupid one.