dApp Staking Proposal: Lucky

I love Lucky from technical point of view too.
Thank you for detail information!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Especially Google-Sheets data.
( I also analysed it , but I quit, so it’s very useful for me. )

Good luck fam! Let’s raffle :slight_smile:


Congrats!! The voting is passed. To proceed with the registration, please do the following:

  1. Have a native substrate account with transferrable 1001 ASTR. Share the address here.
  2. Have a verified smart contract and share the contract address here.
  3. Add #astar-network, #dAppStaking tags to your GitHub repo.
  4. Fill the form to be added to the Ecosystem Page on the Astar Network website. Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfIYRpuj2sTT22cJyP7CFfXkIwKmhwJvCGEO96-Bq2S2lKi_g/viewform

(I see you have posted some of the smart contracts, but we need 1 varied one for the whitelisting )

We will whitelist the addresses.

Hey @Toma

  1. Have a native substrate account with transferrable 1001 ASTR. Share the address here.

Here the verified smart contract address: ZEUr1PBaxshhhPcF4jeVFVoC6BwCDYj48UsJ5ShquWN2yeE

This contract receives the developer rewards from dAppStaking.

  1. Have a verified smart contract and share the contract address here.

Here the verified smart contract address: ZSV1GVepvmWFdshMWgczS4zYvmmwEsBjWQjN4WDpUEFRRPy

This contract manages the rewards distributed to the users after the raffle.

  1. Add #astar-network, #dAppStaking tags to your GitHub repo.
  1. Fill the form to be added to the Ecosystem Page on the Astar Network website.

Done :four_leaf_clover:

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Whitelisting is done. You can now proceed to register on the portal

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Thanks @Toma

The dapp is registered: https://portal.astar.network/astar/dapp-staking/dapp?dapp=zsv1gvepvmwfdshmwgczs4zyvmmwesbjwqjn4wdpuefrrpy

and Lucky is live: https://lucky.substrate.fi/

Many thanks to all for your support and … stake to get lucky :four_leaf_clover:

If you are interested, I will post statistics about the raffle and the numbers of winners.


I voted “yes” earlier, but I haven’t had a chance to respond here yet. I’d like to emphasize that @GuiGou is an outstanding developer who consistently provides valuable support to our community members. Additionally, I find the Lucky dApp to be enjoyable and user-friendly, which is why I chose to support it :slight_smile:

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Many thanks @Sequaja :pray: and your constant work with the community is also very valuable! Let’s keep building :muscle:

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Thank you so much for your response =)


Hey @GuiGou, so far I have been able to observe your proposal for dapp staking, I am catching up on the forum.

I want to congratulate you because you and your team have an extremely interesting application, I checked the github and the contracts are great. Thanks for creating an interesting product in astar.

I support your work buddy

Thanks a lot @Juminstock for your support.
To be honest, Lucky was the first dApp I built and probably some piece of code can be improved. But I hope to release other dApp soon.
So let’s keep building :wink:


Keep building, Lucky is awesome!

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Let me know if you need my help someday, I’ll be happy that help you!

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Lucky is now available via IPFS: https://lucky-ipfs.substrate.fi/astar.html
A step forward towards decentralization! :sunglasses:
Powered by Apillon and Crust Network.


Amazing partnersips @GuiGou

Keep the great work.

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Wow, good progress!
Lucky is my favorite dApp. I’m rooting for you!

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Great Progress mate. Would love to see a article or doc on how you did it.

Thanks @Sequaja
It’s Arno who did it. Apparently, Apillon provide a nice workflow to do it but I don’t know more about it. I never experimented my self.
We have a call with Apillon to share about it and we sill do our best to provide to you all information.

We are proud to have set up our own archive node on Astar.
This archive node will be used by Lucky and other dApps built around Lucky.

This way we participate in the decentralization of the network and we invite all projects to do the same, it’s really easy with the doc written by @bLd759.


Congratz @GuiGou. Amazing job helping to decentralize the network

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