DappRadar dApp Staking Proposal

Thank you a lot for your clarification. It was very clear picture =)

I totally agree with what Leo says, I had not seen it as a problem but it does reduce our visibility. It would be great to reach an agreement to include WASM contracts.

List dAppRadar in dApp Staking
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Voted aye! let’s goooo

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It’s good to see you here, you’re a project I’m already familiar with. I am sure you will add strength to our community. Therefore, I vote ‘yes’

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Hey dapp rader, If you will support wasm Side to show TXS and TVL, I will support this proposal. Thanks :smiling_face:


It’s great that DappRadar is interested and willing to join the Astar family! I would like to know some more details about the timeline for the work you proposed, thank you!

Glad to see all these YES votes :slight_smile: (including mine)

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Like other ambassadors and community members, I also support the idea of integration with WASM contracts. Please could you investigate it and integrate it in your roadmap?


I have had many meetings with the core team because, as wasm developers, unfortunately, we cannot display our data on this portal. Additionally, I received feedback that it would be costly.

The wasm integration by Dappradar will increase costs but also contribute to our ecosystem.

Moreover, I would like to remind you that Astar Network received a joint fund from Phala Network and Aleph Zero in collaboration with Polkadot. Wasm integration is essential in this field.

@sota and @Maarten , please, I am emphasizing again the necessity of carrying out these integration efforts in this area.


I voted AYE for this proposal.

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Voted aye sir! WAGMI!


Voted AYE, already 3 years using Dapp Radar to track many dapps on many different chains

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A tool like DappRadar is very important for any ecosystem, we need them in Astar, yes vote!

As many says, the benefit for Astar seems clear.
Taking into account the layers of details that Leo added above as a builder, seems important to me.

Congratulations! @rimasdappradar :tada:

The voting is passed. To proceed with the registration, please do the following:

  1. Have a native substrate account with transferrable 1001 ASTR. Share the address here.
  2. Have a verified smart contract and share the contract address here.
  3. Add #astar-network, #dAppStaking tags to your GitHub repo.
  4. Fill the form to be added to the Ecosystem Page on the Astar Network website. Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfIYRpuj2sTT22cJyP7CFfXkIwKmhwJvCGEO96-Bq2S2lKi_g/viewform
  5. Share your horizontal logo to prepare an announcement to our community.

We will whitelist your addresses for dApp Staking.


Glad to see that you are successfully partnering with dApp radar, hopefully it will increase users on the dApp Staking network.

We want to thank the Astar community for its tremendous support. We are honoured to have become a part of this community, and will endevour to do our best to ensure that our participation will bring value to the Astar ecosystem and its continued development.

As initially stated, our immediate goal will be to integrate and support zkEVM but can share some good news about what comes next. We (the Partnerships team) have held several discussions internally with our Product team and our Engineering team about the possibility of WASM integration. The result of these discussions is that WASM integration is now tentatively on our integration roadmap. To temper expectations, please do remember that we have several chains presentantly on our roadmap, all of which are tied to different kinds of agreements. We kindly ask you to continue supporting us through staking to ensure that we can deliver this integration successfully. As stalking continues, we will continue the discussion moving internally and will be happy to answer questions on progress and timelines as things move forward.

Further to the goal of WASM integration, we plan to use all earned rewards towards Astar ecosystem support on DappRadar. New integrations will always be supported with marketing, maintenance, and community involvement. As with WASM status updates, we will be sure to share ideas and next steps as there is a clearer idea of what rewards we will earn.

As for the requirements:

  1. Here is our account Subscan | Aggregate Substrate ecological network high-precision Web3 explorer
  2. Here is our smart contract Astar address details for 0xdCc0da7D6F04A95E3a4534E5E24850EFcD2f9B35 | Blockscout
  3. Both tags were added. Please check this link: GitHub - dappradar/astar-dapp-staking: DappRadar for Astar Dapp staking
  4. The form has been filled
  5. Please check our brand guidelines to find the logo

Hi @rimasdappradar

Addresses have been whitelisted. You can now register on the portal by connecting the native wallet.

Guide: Register dApp | Astar Docs


Hello. We have registered successfully https://portal.astar.network/astar/dapp-staking/dapp?dapp=0xdcc0da7d6f04a95e3a4534e5e24850efcd2f9b35