GameDAO Unstoppable Grants / dApp Staking Application

That’s a nice proposal

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I got your points. Thank a lot for your clarification =)

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I’m interested in your vision for collaborating with Astar’s ecosystem.

How do you see GameDAO working together with Astar’s existing gaming communities? What kind of synergies and mutual benefits could emerge from this collaboration?

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An ecosystem is something that develops together. How is your interoperability with AstarNetwork projects?

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Hi GameDAO, though it is already asked, please understand once again. If you are releasing a Parachain on Kusama, how would you like to interact this GameDAO on Astar zkEVM? Thanks in advance.

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Hey there @bao @MrKarahanli-Emre pithecus (cannot mention more than two here)

Thanks for the questions. From current point of view there are a couple of approaches to integrate both ways, also increasing complexity, maybe in unneccessary ways. Therefore we would suggest to work under the following assumptions:

The general treasury should be able to spend anywhere. We also make no difference, if a project is even web3 or not, it just needs to be a promising game project. Therefore we gain more opportunity over time to support in seeding, supporting in go to market, rewarding and beyond.

If projects desire to build on Astar using WASM, EVM or want to use zkEVM should not make a difference, and the protocol needs to take care of aggregating relevant data wherever needed and also to deploy capital or execute functions, e.g. when a game has native DAO or treasury functionality for in game use.

Existing projects on Astar will be able to integrate with the protocol as well, so they could e.g. integrate with their own assets. For example a project looks for additional community backing and provides their own ingame assets as collateral. Of course additional means need to take place to protect the community and the treasury.

Our goal is to provide the protocols and make them work the best way possible on Astar and across ecosystems.

Another aspect is GAME token itself, which has a hard cap of 100M token. Currently it is existing in four networks, ZERO, Kusama Asset Hub, Polkadot Asset Hub and on Hydration. With Astar we would move an allocation to Astar itself, as GAME token is the means to participate in governance and invoke protocols.

If we reach the dApp staking stage in a relevant dimension, we will dedicate a pool of GAME token as additional reward, e.g. for creating projects, ongoing staking or continuous participation and building up reputation.

We are also happy to discuss, maybe the community has suggestions or reference cases which are feasible for us? I suggest to read the pinky paper to get an idea of possibilities.


@pithecus :point_up_2: cannot mention more than two users :slight_smile:

Hello @2075

As the 7-day minimum discussion period comes to an end, you can now open your UCG application proposal directly on

If you need help creating your governance proposal for the vote, you can consult the official documentation or use this UCG proposal as an example.

Let us know if you have any further questions.


Hello Marco,

so basically it will be agnostic because you mentioned cross protocol? With the upcoming release of JAM (God knows when Gav and team will release this :smiley: ) you won’t need a parachain anymore I think? I’m a bit confused whether your product are a dApp or a chain level. Regardless I always support game-based project especially for infra.

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Allright, thanks for the info, will take care of it!

Yes, @souleater

The parachain is only partially relevant for this proposal, especially with the protocol migration to wasm/evm. But yes, creating a collective/DAO on the para through the protocol is also related to other local functionalities over there.

Thanks for your support!


Dear all!

Thanks again for your questions.
Please find our Proposal over here:

Looking forward to get started!

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copying and pasting my comment from another thread in regards UCG

UCG is increasing after the now community approved token burn - it might be better to wait for this to officially increase rather than request 2 million? This new increase should see you in tier 3…staking rewards will be negligible in tier 4 in my opinion (which is what 2 million will get you).

Nice proposal!

This can cause a lack of clear direction and dispersion of resources, financial and team time… What are the real plans for Astar zkEVM?

I rely on projects that are 100% committed to Astar to ensure UCG’s grant.

Thanks for the proposal.

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Great! I’ve really been following the Q&A for this proposal, I’m very interested to see the implementation of the project itself, thanks for choosing Astar Network for this.

On another note, what @FFR23 comments here is very true, could they bid for the growing UCG pool or do they keep the two million?

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Hey @pitcoin777

I agree with you, ecosystem growth is also related to committed builders. Astar left a lasting impression since day one. I believe Astar is leading in Japan and opening up to the South Korean market, which both are not only special in terms of market access but also in terms of access to the retail side.

I see, what is the time frame for the change in UCG allocation limits? I understand it to be relevant in case of the UCG being the only support, Is it still relevant if we find more supporters or is the current UCG also a cap for other supporters?

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It will be hard to gain new supporters for dApp staking during this current period because if people switch which dApp they support at this current moment they will lose their bonus rewards due to them (103 days remaining in this current Build & Earn period).

This proposal was made after the UCG was upgraded and voted by the community so in my opinion this application should be eligible for the new amount.

@Juminstock is this a decision for Official Ambassadors or Core Team to confirm?

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The recent vote has resulted in the burn of the ASTR and the allocation of staking rewards to Community Treasury.
This will result in an update regarding the contents of the UCG’s. A new proposal, which will be submitted in the near future, will increase the ASTR allocation for projects.
This will also increase the amount of ASTR staking for projects currently covered by the UCG.

You will have to wait for the new proposal on UCG for more details, but there should be no problem moving forward with this proposal.

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For reference: UCG v2: Making Unstoppable Community Grants attractive again

If the new proposal for UCG is approved by the community and GameDAO is part of the UCG, the project will automatically get the 17M staked on it. It’s part of the proposal.