Game Slice - DApp Staking Proposal (Game Theory w. Ink!)

“Game Slice” is a blockchain-based initiative proposed to the Astar DApps community, developed to enable play and research of game theory-based games through Ink! smart contracts.

The open-source tool, already in development, aims to become a community-supported, decentralized alternative to current behavioral research platforms like oTree. The proposal requests 500K ASTR from the Unstoppable Grants treasury to fund the next few milestones of this project.

By using smart contracts, Game Slice strives to elevate data transparency and authenticity.

The proposal (view proposal document) outlines various use cases for the tool, ranging from academia to the corporate sector. Educational institutions can leverage the platform for practical, hands-on teaching of game theory concepts, while researchers can utilize it for high-quality data collection across different disciplines.

The team, with experience in blockchain development, fullstack development, and data science, is confident about delivering the outlined milestones.

Full details found in the proposal document and the github repository of the project. We look forward to getting your feedback, thoughts, questions :slightly_smiling_face:


Please add:

  1. Past performace and milestones
  2. DApp staking rewards usage

Like what can be found here.

We want to have a standard format.


Hello @mindbend,

Thank you for your proposal.

However, I agree with Toga that your proposal does not contain the standard information we need to review your applications.

Furthermore, dApp Staking is only open to projects that have already been launched on the Astar network.

Cf: dApp staking requirements:

  1. Live product.
  2. Register on defillama/dApp radar. (if you are not a dApp, not needed)
  3. Have a developer native account with 1001 ASTR.
  4. Have a verified smart contract (if you are not a dApp, a Hello world contract will do).
  5. Add #astar-network, #dAppStaking tags to your GitHub repo.
  6. Create a PR to the Ecosystem Page. As our website is open-source, you can contribute directly to it - just create a PR on your own! To have your project included to our website, you will need to create a PR here:

In addition, I’d like to know whether you’re already working with projects wishing to use your technology, or whether you’re developing a concrete Game Slice use case yourself.

Thank you


Hi @Gaius_sama, thank you for the feedback and the listing the requirements further.

We can definitely make the listed items happen and edit our proposal. Currently, we’re in the experimentation phase of this project, that is to say we’ve recently entered a hackathon and were able to win one of the Astar challenges. The next logical step to us was to create this proposal, however, it’s clear there are some other requirements which are needed.

We’ll get going with the items you’ve listed and post an update here.

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