Lucky dApp - update the dApp owner


This proposal is the logical continuation of the following proposal executed on Shiden : Lucky dApp (Shiden) - update the dApp owner

Because the Lucky dApp is 100% automated and technically decentralized via smart contracts on Astar Network and Phala Network, the current owner of the dApp is a smart contract.

It’s been like this since we registered Lucky in the dApp Staking. Indeed, in the dApp Staking V2, developer rewards were always sent to the dApp owner.

However, the dApp owner is also the address granted to update the description of the dApp in the Astar Portal. This is why we never updated the description of the dApp from the beginning.

With the dAppStaking V3, a new concept has been introduced: the beneficiary. This means we can seperate the owner of the dApp and the beneficiary of the rewards.
For Lucky, the beneficiary of the rewards will always be the wasm smart contract, to remain 100% automated and technically decentralized.
But to update the description of the dApp in the Astar Portal, the Lucky team address (ZjyoCabAjvNo9Evx1jc4Kysi3mG5ynchMcn6JPkR5c4SiYh) must be the dApp owner (until the chain extension for dApp staking is available and the Lucky governance is also decentralized).

To update the dApp owner of the dApp in Astar, we have to call the set_dapp_owner method in the dapp_staking pallet with the following parameters on Astar Network:

Wasm smart contract: ZSV1GVepvmWFdshMWgczS4zYvmmwEsBjWQjN4WDpUEFRRPy
New owner: ZjyoCabAjvNo9Evx1jc4Kysi3mG5ynchMcn6JPkR5c4SiYh

encoded call data: 0x2203019af6e0a491173f73b570b4b4e0c04f319f496bcc3650da8166b39f42e056996ea84ef8c0efdd519e001cb3f5b6351725178283edf1b122a464f0a0f425699759

Normally, this call must be run by the dApp owner (ie the smart contract).
Because there is no chain extension for dApp staking in wasm smart contracts, the smart contact cannot call this extrinsic.
That is why I created this proposal to request to call this extrinsic with sudo/root privileges.

It was sucessfully tested on Shibuya and Shiden few months ago.
This proposal is to run the extrinsic call on Astar Network.

Please feel free to ask any questions


Hi, of course I support this.
I mistakenly thought that the last change included Astar. It is reasonable that you tried it with Shiden first.

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Hey, in favour ofc as you already explained why it is needed. And as it was succesfully tested production should be the next step.

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Thanks for the explanation, if it has already been successful in testnet it is time to go up to mainnet, count on my support.

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I support this proposal, just as I did with Shiden.
It would be good to refer to this discussion if you were seeing the proposal for the first time.

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Thank you very much for the update. I’d like to ask a few more questions:

  1. Initially, I don’t have much expertise regarding the technical aspects. In this case, from the users’ perspective, what benefits will they receive?

  2. Regarding performance in terms of testing on Shibuya and Shiden sides, can you provide a brief summary of the details?

There is no impact for the user. Mainly the Lucky team we will be able to update the description of the dApp in the Astar Portal.

All has been successfully done on Shibuya and Shiden. No impact for for the user or for raffles. There is no change about the smart contracts. The performance of dApp is not impacted by this change.

Thank you very much. Anyway, I’ll wait for the team to update. =)

That’s great. Anyway, thank you very much for the information. =)

Will there be a vote on this on townhall aswell?

You are right.
I created the proposal on AstarGov: Lucky dApp - update the dApp owner - Proposal in Townhall House Astar Network


Thank you for creating this.
I voted Yes.

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Great to see creating this, very good!

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Voted Yes, definitely.

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Thank you for helping create the proposal. I have now joined the vote. =)

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Thanks for the proposal. Voted yes ofc.

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Glad to vote on time! You have my aye!

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Glad to see that you have successfully passed the ballot!
It’s great to see a real project growing step by step


Lucky’s dApp Owner on Astar Network has been updated as requested.

Thanks to the core team!

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