Problem unlocking astar

I am trying to unlock my locked astar, the remaining era is 0 so i should be able to withdraw it, i use a ledger so after confirming it with my ledger, the page just keeps on infinitely loading… anyone who has had the same problem ? i also have some astar to pay the transaction … i am trying to unlock 4000 and i have another 180 to pay for the transaction… is it enough or is that the problem ?


Did you check this toggle ?

Here the full documentation if needs Ledger for Astar Native Accounts | Astar Docs

Do you see the transaction in subscan?

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i have even tried it now on a different device … still the same thing

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yes i did, also i can not turn off ‘staking after claim’ whenever i try , i get an error ’ 1010: Invalid Transaction: Transaction has a bad signature ’

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