Second round of requesting astar token to support event in Chinese community

Hello Astar community, I am DrCAO, astar ambassador, and also the founder of AIWeb3. I would like to request 5000 Astar tokens to support the second round of Astar & AIWeb3 “ZkEVM era of Astar 2.0” video and article competition event.

Special thanks to Ramz for his support, providing great ideas, and suggestions, and being willing to serve as advisor of this event!

Astar Address: akBsuDRUzk9hRxiLRdQTcFsgsHoa5PvWQuPVjrEK6zkLU3X

The first event generated 18 original contents about Astar, out of our initial expectations and we also organized other events and ama (link here with a summary at the end: Request astar token to support event in Chinese community).

Now it is the holiday season and also we had the zkEVM and Astar 2.0 update, it is probably a good idea to organize another event to bring Astar to the Chinese market again and celebrate the holidays.

Here are possible tasks for this fun competition:

Task 1: “ZkEVM era of Astar 2.0” Video and article Contest

Use creativity to produce videos and will receive up to 10 DOT (Provided by AIWeb3) + some Astar (Provided by Astar) + AIWeb3 Chinese community creator role and level rewards + continuous support from AIWeb3 Chinese community and Astar community for creators, and more!

The AIWeb3 Chinese community continuously produces high-quality content for the Polkadot community. To better help the Polkadot community and help everyone to better understand the products in the Polkadot ecosystem, the AIWEB3 & Astar jointly created the “ZkEVM era of Astar 2.0” content sharing bounty program.

Anyone can create content related to Astar and participate in this event, and you will receive generous rewards! For everyone who participates in this event, DOT rewards will be given as long as the requirements are met!

Task 2: twitter space ama or other formats of the event for users
We can organize Twitter space ama and share the update of Astar network, users can also share their opinions and support for the Astar network. We will collect ideas from the community and be open to any other formats of events for content creators and users, such as Airlyft. We will also try to work with other projects in the eco to bring more impact to the event and exposure of Astar to the community.

Task 3: Discord game
We will develop one discord game for the AIWeb3 community, where users would use the point (can be claimed every day for free) and collect the Astar card, and by the end of the event, users can share the reward from the reward pool, more details coming soon. Every time when a user gets the Astar Card, we can share short description of Astar, and also share one event or news from Astar, so it would be a good promotion.

Encourage and find more content creators to produce and share educational videos or articles related to Astar network, and for general users to try Astar’s products.

Content includes at least one of the following points:

1、Introduction to Astar Network: A comprehensive overview of the project, its goals, and the team behind it.
2. Introduction of zkEVM in Astar.
3、How the Astar dApp staking works.
4、Astar 2.0: A walkthrough of the key features of Astar 2.0, promote the supernova, share the latest update and share your opinion about Astar 2.0.
5. Any other cool ideas to generate content related to Astar network

*Content must be positive and uplifting.

Video Requirements:

(1) The video should be at least 3 minutes, and the end should include the AIWeb3 community: AIWeb3中文社区片尾1 - YouTube .

The following information should be included in the video description:

Welcome to join the AIWeb3 Chinese channel:


Discord: 爱Web3中文社区

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @aiweb3dao

Welcome to join the Astar community channel:

TG group: Telegram: Contact @astarChinese


(2) We only accept content in Chinese.

(3) Content must be original (not plagiarized), and videos need to be publicly available (accept platforms such as Youtube or bilibili).

Event Time: Dec 23 - Jan 23 (This may be updated later on)

Content Submission: AIWeb3 Chinese community Discord (爱Web3中文社区), please indicate: Astar & AIWeb3 competition bounty.


First place: 400 Astar + 10 DOT (can be adjusted later on based on the price of DOT, around 70u provided by AIWeb3) + AIWeb3 Chinese community content creator level upgrade by 10 credits.

2nd-5th place: 300 Astar + 8 DOT (can be adjusted later on based on the price of DOT, around 55 u provided by AIWeb3) + + AIWeb3 Chinese community content creator level upgrade by 5 credits.

5th place and beyond: All other qualified participants can receive DOT rewards from the AIWeb3 Chinese community, and AIWeb3 content creator roles, and can participate in future activities and receive support from the AIWeb3 Chinese community.

Selection Criteria (Astar ambassadors can judge this competition):

  • Video originality and quality (60%)
  • Video influence (including the number of views on YouTube videos, the impact of reposting on other social platforms, etc.) (40%)

We will share the content generated from this competition with the community, and request astar ambassadors or the whole community to vote for the winner.


I’m thrilled to express my support for the Astar & AIWeb3 “ZkEVM Era of Astar 2.0” video and article competition. This initiative is a fantastic opportunity to showcase the innovative strides of Astar in the ZkEVM domain. It’s inspiring to see the community come together to create and share knowledge. Such events not only foster creativity but also strengthen our understanding of Astar’s advancements.

99% of the information I know about the Astar network is from AIWeb3’s videos


I always support such events.

But how logical is it for all ambassadors to participate in the voting? How can we judge the quality of the content without knowing Chinese? Do you only want us to judge based on metrics (engagement rate, number of likes, RTs)?


I love this kind of initiative! I really appreciate the work you have been doing @DrCAO. I am aware of the big market share that Astar network has in Japan and China at the moment (I hope that in Latin America we will reach the same level someday), that’s why I value the enthusiasm in creating events that connect and retain users, which are the most important keys.

After seeing the results of the previous event, you have my full support for this second event, success dude!

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我是Alice, 特地来支持一下这个活动的申请! 上一次参与了活动,感谢AIWeb3,拿到了Astar的奖励,也对Astar更加熟悉,相信很多人都通过之前AIWeb3的活动了解到了Astar,期待新一期的活动!


I believe it is an excellent initiative to share and raise awareness of Astar in the area that I believe is very advanced in the use and understanding of blockchain, Asia.
Delighted to see these high quality ideas :clap: @DrCao you have my full support :smile:

P.S. At some point we will definitely need to have a friendly community competition in any zkEVM game :crossed_swords: :fire: :smile:


Thank you for the very intriguing proposal.

I learned that there is such an approach to growing the community. Additionally, it’s interesting that Astar’s ambassadors(Ecosystem Agent) can judge this competition. I would like to consider your activities as a benchmark when contemplating activities for the Japanese community.

I would definitely like to rooting for you.


The activity idea is quite interesting. However, I would like to ask for your permission to ask a few more questions.

  1. In addition to the objectives set, are there any target numbers? For example, how many people do you want to participate in the activity? How many works do you want to receive?

  2. The measurement criteria are quite interesting. If the person who creates has a large follower base from the beginning, will it cut off the opportunity for others? Is there a way to deal with this case?


Thank you very much for your support!


Great comment, it is optional, we don’t need everyone to vote on it. For those who are interested, and who wants to vote, they can, just like the first time, we have a few ambassadors who voted, and we can also have the whole community to vote. I am also open to any other ideas, thank you very much!


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Thank you! yes, I am still exploring different ways in Chinese market, and I am happy to share any lessons I learned if you want to build something similar in Latin America, so we can get more people in Astar eco!

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非常感谢您一直的支持! 我们会继续努力!

Thank you so much! Yes, recently I started to talk about Web3 gaming, if you know any zkEVM game, please let me know, maybe we can organize this kind of game competition, that would cool, I like gaming as well :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much! Indeed, agent can be the judger and also get involved in this process, and I would be happy to hear any feedback as well! I learned a little bit Japanese in college, looking forward to this kind of activity in the Japanese community :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much for all of those great questions!

  1. In addition to the objectives set, are there any target numbers? For example, how many people do you want to participate in the activity? How many works do you want to receive?
    Answer: I would expect 10 submissions at least, so 10 content creators participate in the event, so that we can bring the Astar to different communities through those content creators.

  2. The measurement criteria are quite interesting. If the person who creates has a large follower base from the beginning, will it cut off the opportunity for others? Is there a way to deal with this case?
    Answer: There are 60% of the originality and quality, so if someone has a large follower base but has made very bad content, the score may not be high. We would like to encourage high quality content in this case, but of course, we also want influencers who can share Astar with more audiences. In addition, for all participants, we will reward DOT , so the early stage content creators don’t need to worry, and we will help to promote their work, so they would get more support and more audience from this competition. I hope in the future, those content creators can talk more about Astar, about Polkadot eco, and can become KOL in the future!


Of course! It would be very nice to collaborate to achieve greater things. We would be happy to echo here in Latam!

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It’s nice to see that you liked the question!
I’ll definitely ask again if I think of anything else.
I’m one of the ambassadors who would like to participate in the vote. Please feel free to let me know when that day comes!


You have all my support @DrCAO!

It’s great to see community initiatives like this contributing to Astar’s growth and visibility.


Dr. Cao great initiative, Astar is targeting Asia very well, and this is a great opportunity to show how great Astar is.

I wish you much success! And I find everything very well explained so I support you.


DrCao’s contributions to the Polkadot and Astar ecosystems are undeniably excellent. Seeing this proposal excited me. The potential held by the Chinese community is very significant. I would really like to see this proposal come to fruition.

Thanks for your hard work, DrCao!