Proposal: Astar partnership hackathon

Hello everyone! :wave:t3: With the greatest enthusiasm I bring you a proposal to support one of the largest hackathons in Mexico, ETH Cinco de Mayo.

Introduction to the proposal

Astar Network has bolstered its presence in Latin America through the events and learning opportunities we’ve organized in the region. Our recent participation in Ethereum Latam Day captivated many individuals seeking to learn more about the protocol. As part of our brand expansion strategy in Latin America, we’ve been invited to take part as the main sponsor in one of Mexico’s largest hackathons, ETH cinco de mayo.

Our last work in the Ethereum Latam Day

Totally report here: Ethereum Latam Day - report - Google Docs

Introduction to the hackathon

ETH cinco de mayo will host over 600 hackers and a total audience of around 750 individuals. It will take place from February 2nd to 4th in Puebla, Mexico, with side events starting from January 30th. The hackathon aims to foster the development of innovative applications and solutions to current challenges in blockchain networks.

The proposal

You can find the complete proposal, with details, KPIs, actionable items, goals, budget, and much more in the attached document :point_down:t3:

This proposal aims to create a significant impact at the event around Astar Network!


It’s a very interesting event. I will definitely support it.


Great proposal! Astar sponsoring ETH Cinco de Mayo to support blockchain innovation in Latin America. The plan is clear, the budget seems transparent, and they’re committed to quality projects. Exciting for Astar and Mexico’s blockchain community!


Thank you, @BoomBLB. We are really looking forward to do something great with this hackathon, we hope that good projects will come out of it!


That’s right! Thanks so much for the support, @Matt! I reiterate that our biggest goal is to push for the official launch of the Astar zkEVM and for great projects to use our network. let’s go for great things!


After reading your Ethereum Latam Day report, I have confidence that this will be another great event! My only small question is that you described that there will be 600 hackers and 750 individuals, is that an estimation or do you already have this many people registered for the event? If so, I feel this would be a successful event and I would fully support the proposal, looking forward to it.


Hi Carlos!

Thanks for the proposal, so Astar will be the major sponsor right for the main event and also Astar will host a side event too.

1. Two technical workshops: We’ll conduct one workshop entirely dedicated to explaining Astar’s technical tools, such as zKatana, Astar zkEVM, ChainIDE, integration with Astar’s Substrate version through compilations, and everything related to our Astar zkEVM. The second workshop will focus on BizDev, aiming to foster new business relationships with products and services seeking integration into our network.

2. A side event: Alongside the Frutero Club community, the largest blockchain developer community in Mexico, we will host an Astar side event where we’ll discuss both the Astar zkEVM and the Substrate version of Astar.

How about the side event more on business side, like introducing dApp Staking, UCG, and invite local VC in Latam region, etc. I mean, tech workshop is good, but since you proposed that Astar is the main sponsor, side event better balancing the tech and the biz side. Attracting many retailer users is also good too. And since this will be held in February, maybe you could live introduce our zkEVM campaign?

Tech growth need to be balanced with the business growth too.

And also for the stand booth, can you elaborate what kind of facilities that Astar booth will get? (such as LCD displays, tables, couch, etc.)

Thanks a lot Carlos!!!


I am impressed by the enthusiasm and ideas proposed by Carlos :smile: I find that the idea can bring a lot of attention and interest to Astar.
I totally support the proposal :handshake:


What exactly will happen at the stand?
Will we distribute the 6 thousand dollar prize to the top three or will it be given as a ‘bounty’. If ‘bounty’ will be given, who will choose them?
What exactly is the side event aiming for? Are we aiming to advertise zkEVM there?

Also, when choosing the winners, I suggest you pay attention to the following projects (I have attached an image) because these are the projects we need right now.


I appreciate your message, mate!

Yes, of course! The organizers shared with us a registrant database of about 532 people, but it is expected that there will be more than this amount attending the day of the event.

I’ll get the link and share it with you so you can see how many people are registered :D.

Again, thanks for your comment, DrCAO!


I really appreciate the suggestion my friend, I really didn’t have anything ready for the side event yet but, since you recommend this, I will do it and prepare a presentation to talk about our whole dApp Staking program (I will give a small alpha of V3) and our Yoki Origins campaign. I’ll start working on the side event content soon and share it with you!

Regarding the booth, as the event is a hackathon, the booth space refers more to a small place where there will be t-shirts, stickers, water bottles with the Astar logo and little else, however, the cost of the $2,500 will go to the presentations: with led screens and comfort for about 150 people per talk :D.

Again, thanks for your question, Rudy, I remain attentive to any other you may have!


Thank you mate! I really appreciate, we’re working really hard for expand Astar brand in our region!! :saluting_face:


I really appreciate your questions mate!

First, what we will do with the booth will be to have a space where people can see the Astar logo all the time, there will be t-shirts, stickers, water bottles with the Astar logo and little else, mainly as official sponsors, we will be everywhere :sweat_smile:.

Regarding the $6,000, they are intended to be the prizes for our tracks, which are as follows: DeFi, GameFi, tools and other. The idea is that participants choose one of our tracks and if they create a great product on our network, they can win one or more of the tracks.

As an official Astar representative, I will be in charge of collecting the submitted projects and filtering them, after that I will share it with the whole team (ambassadors, community and core time) and we will decide which one will win the prize.

At DeFi I will keep in mind the projects and products you recommended to consider!

And regarding the side event, that’s right! The main goal is to promote very strongly the official launch of the Astar zkEVM and our Yoki Origins campaign, as @souleater recommended, we will focus the side event to BizDev, if you have any suggestion, it’s welcome.

Thanks for your questions my friend, I hope I have answered them clearly :smiley:


Grat initiative.

I totally support the proposal @Juminstock


I am Supporting you!

We need this stuff! I believe we will see more hackothons


Great initiative!
I support your proposal.


Great. I’m looking forward to hearing any great thing from yours =)


Just like the other projects and initiative, I believe it is another great opportunity to expand our community and capture understanding for future projects. I support and wish you success. :handshake:t2:

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Thank you everyone for support this proposal, actually, the main motivation for this proposal is to promote the launch of Mainnet the Astar zkEVM network, as I have mentioned in previous posts, and also to position ourselves as a strong protocol in Mexico and Latin America :earth_americas:.

Expanding Astar brand!


This is wonderful, thank you so much for sharing, you have my 100% support, looking forward to the successful event!

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