StarSwap Dex is now live!

Hello everyone,

StarSwap’s dex is now live. (URL:

We did our best to test well and make sure the UI is error free. Take a look and let us know. Your feedback would be really appreciated!

Take a look at the builders program post if you would like to know more about the project: StarSwap - Builders Program Application


Very smooth experiment for me…I did a bit of swap, then I added liquidity to the main pool ASTR/STAR…Almost instantanuous, and almost no fee. The UI is simple but a beauty.
AND no need to bother to go through the WASTR stage, great bonus !
It will be my goto.
Awesome work.

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Tried out the dex and was able to swap without problem.

Two minor suggestions are: 1. Can approve and swap button be displayed to demonstrate 2-steps? and 2. I didn’t see an add token feature after swap was made.

It works cool. Maybe add direct link to the transaction in the popup?


I think that would be cool also to have ability to add easily a token STAR directly from a main window to MetaMask.

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Thank you @Jerad! Already working on a UI upgrade; it has multicall, and add token feature among other UI improvements.

The approve and swap are already shown in there right? I mean the button would show as approve firt and once done it shows a message and button changes to swap.

Thank you @tomasz-waszczyk that’s a good suggestion, simple to do and useful to improve the user experience, will add it in the coming ui upgrade :slight_smile:


I have been using DEX for a few days since launch. The automatic WRAP is the best user experience.
One request. I would like to add “OG Stars” to the menu as I cannot go to the STARCARDS screen on my smart phone :pray:
I respect Mayan and Hiro’s willingness to answer questions and suggestions (even trivial ones) from community members.
The bear market is cold, but I believe that Astar Network will get through it. As fairly and honestly as possible.


Yes, you are 100% correct - and that setup really works for me since I am use to using dex.

I am thinking new users who may not know they have to approve and then the button will change to swap. Other dexes often show two steps initially when you first connect your wallet: 1. a button for approve and 2. a button for swap.

Like I said above - just a minor suggestion. Great work!

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Thank you @Jerad will add the split button suggestion in the to-do list.

The other two suggestions to include the transaction link and also a button to add STAR quickly to metamask has been added, among many other ui updates.

It’s still only a week and we are bringing more updates :slight_smile:

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@tomasz-waszczyk added both your suggestions in the new ui updated, thank you :star2:


Love this easy to use DEX. Swapping, adding liquidity and farming are all a breeze but the best thing about StarSwap in my opinion is the community on Discord. I have never known another application where it is so easy to reach out and get honest feedback from the devs so quickly.


Love that the devs are accessible and add features the community requests! The community engagement is Excellent! The dapp is easy to use, straightforward, with some great features! To me the Harvest Tax is a Great idea!


First of all, congratulations! The DEX was easy to use and follow.
Good to see that everything is done without wrapping ASTR to wASTR :slight_smile:

In your product, there are Farms and Pools, and one uses the term TVL and the other uses Liquidity.
The users can earn rewards by staking their LP on the Farms. Do the users do an additional task to earn the trading fees from the Pools? Any reason to distinguish Farms and Pools in the two different sections? :slight_smile: Just my curiosity.

In regards to the NFTs, now you have StarCards and Samui, which seems very interesting to see how you integrate them into the DEX as you planned. Will the rarity of the two NFTs affect the amount of the rewards to the holders?


Thank you for the good words @pithecus really appreciate it :pray::blush:

The pools section may not look very different from the farms page right now as almost all pairs are enabled for farming as well except one, but the purpose is to show all the available pairs on the platform this would become significant at a later point because all pools will not be eligible to farming.

Samui is a standalone NFT collection, like any other nfts on Astar, it’s not part of the StarSwap ecosystem; but it will be added to nft staking and users will be able to earn rewards starting the beginning of the coming month.

On the other hand, StarCards are very important to the platform, and it’s already integrated to the StarSwap, everything is done on chain, you can see the OG Stars button in menu to take a look if you have a StarCards NFT. Users don’t need to stake or do anything; they just need to keep it in their wallet to have a passive income. Again, the platform fee share may not look any significant right now because it needs good liquidity and a decent amount of trading. But in a few months time, once the platform gets some transaction, this alone would be a game changer not just for StarSwap but for the entire Astar ecosystem.

Yes platform fee share depends on your StarCard’s rarity, the number of StarCards you have and the amount of STAR tokens you are holding. It’s done in a way, the more you have the better will be your fee share - right now the difference is very little but once the platform gets good amount of liquidity and swaps it will become very different :slight_smile:


Liquidity is on the move with good help from Astar SpaceLabs @moonme and @Maarten


Thanks for all the effort that you have put into this job. Please continue building, get the community excited and all of us will be proud of each other.

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Thank you, and yes, absolutely. Hoping to keep the community engaged and excited with continuous improvements and bringing new features :star2::star2:

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Hello, is there more information about StarCards? like docs?
I checked your docs already, but still don’t understand the StarCards.
So many questions, like there are black / blue / gold / silver … different color, but what is the difference of them?

And how about the fee share? How often can we claim once?
need more information~

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Hey @DongDong StarCards are the governing tokens of StarSwap (NFT governance will be deployed this week) + they get 100% of the platform fees (you can see this at /OG Stars). Details of the fee distribution structure and logic is explained in this discord faq post >>

Unicorn/Black/Blue/Platinum etc comprises the rarity weight of the card (along with other traits) which also plays a role in your fee share, the above link explains about rarity share as well.

Feel free to let me know if you have more questions.


First on Astar, launches this week :slight_smile: