Astar Network in Maracay, Venezuela 🇻🇪

Good Luck @Juminstock. Looking forward to the report :slight_smile:

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Really thanks, buddy!

Event update:

We are only a week away from the next big Astar event in Venezuela and we have had a tremendous amount of registrations :fire:.

With a maximum capacity of 35 people, we have a current registration of 68 people (taking into account the margin of registrations and non-attendance), this is crazy :exploding_head::partying_face:.

Remember that you can see the event here: Astar Network - Maracay meetup · Luma


Event update:

T-shirts for the event are being produced, this is the final design

Seven T-shirts :fire:


Awesome!!! Thank you a lot for your contribution.

p.s. I love your T-Shirt =)

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The design style is quite nice, it will be quite attractive merch for the attendees :sweat_smile:

Event update:

We have managed to get the meetup to be held next week to be covered by two specialized cryptocurrency media.

There is a lot of excitement from the local Venezuelan communities, so next week we hope to be living all this emotion.


Great news thanks. Maybe share some news with the people who won’t get selected aswell? As I understand only 35 out of 68 can join.

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While we currently have 75 confirmed registrants, the total number of registrations you see may be higher than our actual capacity. This is due to a common phenomenon in Web3 events with free registration, where a significant portion of registrants do not attend.

To ensure a fully filled event, we intentionally account for this potential discrepancy.

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It sounds fun. Thank you for an update =)

Just as Ezio mentions, it is intentional that the number of registered participants is greater than the allowed capacity, in case more attend, we will look for space for them, the important thing is to make the event one with record attendance :sweat_smile:

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Hi everyone,

I’m excited to share that the report on the Astar Network meetups in Maracay is now available!

This comprehensive report details our participation in the event, highlighting key points, showing photographs and summarizing the content we presented. It is designed for clear and easy understanding.

If you have any questions about the information presented or want to learn more about our activities at the meetups, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Once again, thank you to the entire community for your support in making these events a success!

Report: Astar Network Maracay meetup - report


Yeah just meant, that if some people can’t join maybe share some info about email or whatever medium you are using with some ground info about what is astar, how to get started and where to find help aswell.


This sounds like an awesome idea my friend! Thanks for mentioning it.

The truth is that we got the data and the consensus of 76 new people, so we will surely include them in a newsletter to receive news from us.

Our colleague @Vangardem runs a very good newsletter every Saturday regarding Astar and ecosystem news, I will surely get in touch with him to share that data.

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Some posts about the event:

Ezio’s post:
Attendance experience:
Juminstock’s post:
Other attendance experience:

We’re working on expand the Astar brand :sunglasses:

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Sounds fun!!! Thank you a lot for your contribution =)

That’s right! from the Spanish community we have a weekly newsletter issued every Saturday, it works as an aggregator of the most important news of Astar. Since its inception we have grown organically, @Juminstock collaborates with its growth thanks to the events, as it has managed to collect important data from attendees, currently we read more than 200 monthly users, so for a small project has had enough acceptance among Astar users. We will continue to grow!

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Great of you to share the growth of the project with us, Van! I reiterate that soon I will be sharing this data with you to reach more Spanish speaking users with news from Astar Network! :rocket:

Thank you for the exciting update! Your commitment to rewarding the community and driving innovative projects is commendable!

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Hello community! @eziored and I want to share with you a post we made in this forum to show you the work we continue doing here in Venezuela, now with devs!

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