Chocomint - Builders Program Application

Project Overview

Chocomint is a decentralized multi-chain NFTs platform. Currently, we provide NFT mint service. You can deploy your own NFT contract, and mint at a lower gas cost than other services. Metadata can be decentralized from the beginning.

Currently, we are developing Chocomint V2. It will add functions such as Marketplace and Analyzer, and evolve into an All-in-one decentralized NFT platform that allows users to publish NFTs, sell them, and analyze the data in one service.

Relevant links

Github:Chocomintapp · GitHub
Twitter : @chocomintapp


Twitter: @blockbase_inc

Stats/Past Performance:

Since the service launched in April 2021, more than 1,000 NFT contracts have been deployed via Chocomint. Looking at Shiden alone, more than 100 NFT contracts have been deployed in only three weeks since the service launched on December 15.

Builders Program Roadmap

Total Estimated Duration: 2 months

Milestone 1

(Estimated End Date: Already done)

  • NFT Bulk Minting
  • Support Shiden

Milestone 2: NFT Portfolio

(Estimated End Date: Mid February)

  • NFT Portfolio
  • NFT Market Aggregator

Milestone 3: NFT Marketplace

(Estimated End Date: By the end of February)

  • NFT Marketplace

Future plan

“Creator is a platform”

We are aiming for a future where users can handle NFTs without depending on platforms.

  • Provide SDKs and other tools to help users create their own marketplaces.

  • Integrate decentralized storage service e.g. Filecoin or Arweave so that metadata can last longer.

  • Develop applications that enable NFT holders to create their limited content.

  • Integrate DID and VC systems to make NFT more useful and verifiable in the real world.


Hi Yuzu,

I did use Chocomint to mint NFT on Shiden and I found it easy to use but I think the UX can be improved as it seems old school to me and can discourage users.

Is it something you will change with Chocomint V2 ?

Outside of this, I have nothing else to say and will be happy to support your application. :slight_smile:


Hi Gunit !

Thank you for your advice, UX will be improved when updated to v2.
Chocomint v2 supports

  • bulk-metadata-generation
  • bulk-mint and bulk-sale from CSV

and we will create optimized UI for that!


Hi Yuzu!

Can you explain me what kind of support you need for the builders program!
We are more than happy to support Chocomint.


Hello !
I try Chocomint, to mint NFT of our project for early adopter.
Easy to use !


Hi Maarten

Thank you for commenting.
I’m sorry to reply late. I missed your message… :sob:

We would like to receive marketing support and financial support.

Our team consists only of developers, not strong in the above areas, so it would be helpful if you could support.

Hi Alix :wave:

Thank you for using Chocomint and your good review !
Any feedback or improvements would be great!

Would you elaborate more on the financial support?
Are you looking for any grants or would you like to use dApp staking as basic income?

Thanks for getting back to me.

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We are looking for grants.
The usage of grants

  • Operating Cost for Chocofactory (an NFT Issuer)
  • Development Cost (an NFT Indexer)

【Operating Cost for Chocofactory】
We think that we shouldn’t charge for the minting of NFT (except gas fee), so Chocomint doesn’t take a commission from the users. However, additional development and maintenance will inevitably require money, and we would like your assistance in this area.

【Development Cost】
It seems that Astar Network hasn’t had the masterpiece of the NFT Indexer yet. The NFT Indexer enables the users to analyze on-chain data about NFTs. That improves the user experience of NFT on Astar Network.Chocomint, we aim to be an all-in-one dapps about NFT, and adding an indexer is one of our roadmaps.
Thus, we would like you to support the development cost for the NFT Indexer, for us and you.

1 Like

Thanks for your reply.
It would be great if you could provide us a detailed milestone breakdown for your built budget so we understand the grant size you are looking for.

Feel free to share the proposal here or if you wish to send the draft in private, please do on Telegram (@Fiexer). Thanks a lot


Thank you for your reply Maarten :slight_smile:
These are our Milestone.

We apply for grants totaling $15,000 for

  • Development cost of an enhanced version of NFT Issuer (Milestone 1)
  • Development cost of NFT Indexer (Milestone 2)

Milestone 1: Develop NFT issuer

  • Duration: 4~6 weeks

  • Goal: Complete to development of the enhanced version of the NFT issuing tool that has these features.

    • Bulk Mint
      Can mint a large number of NFTs at once.
    • Easy to Airdrop
      Can mint a large number of NFTs directly to the addresses you designated
    • Lazy Mint
      It is also possible to have the minter pay for the gas.
    • ERC2981 Royalty standard
      Support for royalty formats in various marketplaces.
    • Metadata can be decentralized
      Distributed storage services such as IPFS can be set for the metadata.
    • Can Whitelist
      It is possible to create the NFTs only whitelisted addresses can claim.
  • Funds request (USD): 6,500 USD

Milestone 2: Develop Indexer

  • Duration: 4~6 weeks
  • Goal: Develop NFT Indexer that can summarize the NFT information
    The user can check the NFTs they own or who used to have that one. Furthermore, by arranging the information, they can analyze your NFT.
  • Funds request (USD): 8,500 USD

Thanks a lot for your reply. Can you please also apply here:

I’ve already applied for Builders Program a few months ago.
Should I do one more again?

Yes because we recently changed our grant structure and financial support.

I personally have used chocomint numerous times. I enjoy the product and I have benefited from it ease of use. Im sure many others have as well.

The milestones here and the plans the teams have are amazing! And very much needed. I hope you apply once again. Let us know if you need anything.

Thank you!

Hi Yuzu,

Thank you for sharing your milestones.
It looks really promising for me.

Keep rocking!