Please find the updated payment information for the 4th & 5th payment:
Amount calculated in ASTR token of a 7-day average:
Tokenguard account on Astar: b6VtNRwa9MJ4ZzDbBVxTZ6k6J86d9kTGEZzkPmJ22T2EXth
7 day average (SubScan ASTR open price between 28/10-03/11/23): $ 0.05355
Payment in USD: $4,800 + $4,380 = $9,180
Payment in ASTR: 89,635.85 + 81,792.72 = 171,428.57
In the first version, we focused only on providing analytics for the Astar chain.
If the Astar team, after testing the current solution, decides that similar analytics are important and needed for Shiden, it is possible to expand the analytics to include additional chain.