D'CENT Wallet - dApp Staking Proposal

Greetings. We are delighted to introduce IoTrust, Korea’s foremost wallet service provider and the driving force behind the D’CENT wallet, to the esteemed Astar community. It is with great pleasure that we anticipate engaging with the Astar ecosystem, fostering mutual growth, and contributing to its prosperity.

Project Overview

Since its inception in 2018, D’CENT has evolved, commencing with the launch of biometric hardware wallet for enhanced asset management experience using the fingerprint authentication and mobile environment. We have successfully expanded into a multi-chain wallet trusted by users in over 220 countries worldwide. Our three-fold wallet offerings – biometric hardware wallet, mobile wallet(software), and the card-type (hardware) wallet – provide users with the flexibility to use them together or separately.

While our robust customer base is rooted in Korea, our services have a global footprint, with users spanning over 220 countries. As a multi-chain wallet supporting 60+ blockchain networks(EVM and non-EVM mainnets) including the Astar network, we remain committed to consistently supporting mainnets for the convenience of users and plan to further broaden our support in the future.

D’CENT’s Biometric hardware wallet places a strong emphasis on security and convenience. By integrating seamlessly with D’CENT mobile wallets (iOS, Android), it extends support to a myriad of web3 services, including NFTs, wallet connect, Dapp browser, and staking. Furthermore, it can seamlessly interface with PC-based extension wallets and other mobile wallets through the D’CENT SDK.

Our Mission

Our mission is anchored in the belief that security is the paramount core value for wallets, acting as gateways for web3 users, without compromising on convenience. We envision an all-encompassing wallet that facilitates the seamless exploration of web3 within its confines. Our unwavering commitment to prioritizing security and convenience serves as the foundation for the wallet to become a portal for a plethora of services within the web3 ecosystem. To achieve this vision, we are dedicated to constant improvement, driven by the unwavering support of a robust community and the adoption by builders.

  • Ensuring security and convenience in a wallet
    We anticipate the wallet to not only serve as the entry point for web3 services but also establish itself as a portal within the wallet for accessing a multitude of services. To achieve this, our top priority is to provide users with the two fundamental values: security and convenience.

  • Support for multi-chain assets
    Our customers hold various assets such as coins, tokens, and NFTs, and engage in web3 services like cross-chain transactions, DEX, yield farming, and staking. As a wallet, we have been evaluating and supporting numerous mainnets to cater to the diverse needs of end-users, establishing ourselves as a wallet with strengths in the multi-chain and cross-chain ecosystem.

  • Wallet SDK Provision
    We recognize the importance of our wallet being adopted by the builder community as much as it is by end-users who store assets. To expedite builder adoption, we provide a wallet SDK, facilitating the integration of our wallet into various services.

  • Staking Provision
    Staking has emerged as one of the prime features for holders to generate revenue, and we plan to gradually expand and enhance this feature.

Team Members

Our team comprises individuals with formidable skills, hailing from the hardware security industry long before the blockchain industry boom. The crux of our team’s expertise lies in hardware security technologies, notably leveraging technologies such as Secure Element. Notably, team members who successfully steered a previous company through an Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the Korean Stock Market Exchange bring their invaluable experience to the forefront. Drawing on this rich tapestry of skills, we strategically launched the D’CENT wallet into the blockchain market during the web3 transition.

Since the wallet’s inception, we take pride in maintaining the title of a secure wallet, free from any hacking incidents. Our technological prowess has earned recognition, symbolized by the prestigious “Unicorn” title conferred by the Korean government. This recognition serves as a testament to our outstanding technological achievements and the high expectations placed on our team.

Key members of our team include:

CEO: Dr. Sangsu Baek (Ph.D): Former Hansol Secure R&D Director, Mobile Security Division Head, and VP.

CSO: Minho Yoo (Bachelor in Seoul National University): Minho Yoo - D'CENT Wallet | LinkedIn

COO: Ella Cho (Bachelor in Chungang University): Former Hansol Secure R&D Head, Finance Division Head, and VP.

CBO: Wankyuu Kim (Master in St. John’s University): Former Senior Manager at NXP Semiconductors & Hansol Secure Global Business Team Leader.

Our team’s wealth of experience, including the prestigious “Unicorn” title bestowed by the Korean government, positions us as industry leaders dedicated to the ongoing success of the D’CENT wallet in the blockchain market.


The primary distinction between mobile, browser extension wallet, and the hardware wallet lies in the assurance of safety against hacking attempts. Our foremost concern is ensuring the secure protection of our customers’ assets from any potential hacking threats, and self-custody is considered a fundamental value in the realm of crypto.

  • In our design, keys are generated within a hardware security chip, and these keys are strictly kept internal, never exported externally. Key-related functions, such as key generation and signature processes, exclusively occur within the confines of a secure chip, meeting the rigorous safety standards of EAL5+.

  • To fortify against coercive hacking attempts (e.g., PIN input or unregistered fingerprint scans), our system is intelligently crafted to automatically remove the key after a predefined number of unsuccessful attempts. Subsequent to removal, recovery is possible only through mnemonics, adding an extra layer of security.

  • It’s essential to highlight that D’CENT providers have absolutely no access to users’ keys. Our wallet operates on the principle of self-custody, where the user retains full control and sole responsibility for key management.

  • Acknowledging the persistent threat of transactions being signed for transfers to an attacker’s address in the blockchain space, we have implemented a display feature on the hardware device for verifying addresses before transaction signatures. This proactive measure mitigates the risks associated with unauthorized transactions, enhancing overall security for our users.

Past Performance & Milestones Dedicated for Astar Ecosystem

Presently, our focal point revolves around the Japanese community, with a particular emphasis on interoperability, including the Astar Network. While achieving numerous milestones in this regard, we would like to outline the past achievements associated with the Astar ecosystem:

  • D’CENT’s Biometric hardware wallet and mobile wallet support Astar Substrate Accounts and EVM Accounts. This enables storage and transactions in native coins and tokens.

  • Within the D’CENT mobile app, support for Astar EVM accounts in the Dapp browser facilitates easy access to Astar ecosystem services directly within the wallet interface.

  • Integration with the high-utilization Polkadot ecosystem has been achieved, connecting the Talisman wallet and D’CENT’s Biometric hardware wallet. This integration completes support for Polkadot and Ethereum, and we have commenced development for Astar Network support. Astar is poised to become the first parachain supported by D’CENT!

  • In the late 2023, we conducted a promotional campaign during a discount event, where participants were generously gifted 150 Astar tokens per wallet.

  • The release of a wallet SDK supporting Astar Substrate and EVM accounts empowers builders to seamlessly integrate wallets into their services, fostering an environment of ease and efficiency.

These milestones underscore our commitment to advancing the Astar ecosystem and reflect our dedication to providing innovative and user-friendly solutions within the blockchain space.

Community Collaboration and Future Plans

We firmly believe in the robust strength of the Astar community and eagerly anticipate its evolution into the wallet that the community desires. Our commitment to contributing to the influx of more users into the Astar ecosystem is unwavering, and we welcome community input with an open mind. While we have outlined some plans, please feel free to share your opinions, as our direction is not confined to these points.

  1. Integration between Astar Ecosystem Browser Extension Wallets and D’CENT Wallet: We plan to extend the usage experience of the existing extension wallets to leverage the security features of D’CENT for safe asset storage.

  2. Astar Staking Integration with Hardware Wallets: In development and testing, our aim is to support staking for Astar tokens securely stored in D’CENT Biometric hardware wallets. The D’CENT Biometric wallet enables claiming up to 28-era transactions at once, offering users convenience by reducing on-chain costs and claim frequency.

  3. Support for Dapp Browser (In-App) Using Substrate Accounts: We will expand the capability to use the Dapp browser with Astar native accounts, not only limited to EVM accounts.

  4. Compatibility and Scalability Support for zkEVM Development in Astar: Supporting Astar’s scalability vision, we endorse the future where numerous builders actively participate in the ecosystem through zkEVM Layer 2 solutions. Starting January, we will initiate testnet support for zkEVM development.

  5. Expansion of Parachain for Interoperability: Ongoing preparations involve adding various parachains, including Astar, to the Polkadot and parachain ecosystem. Through early tests, we have identified differences in developing components like displaying transaction details on hardware devices for each parachain. We are developing schemas to parse and transmit parachain transaction data, aiming for easy and swift expansion of most parachains, providing users the ability to manage multiple parachains in one wallet.

In addition to these technical initiatives, we are planning a series of activities to share and support the vision and mission of the Astar ecosystem. For instance, we are in the process of inviting the Astar team to an AMA session on D’CENT, fostering a global platform for D’CENT users to engage in discussions about Astar’s vision and projects.

Thank you for your attention.


Website: https://dcentwallet.com/

Docs: https://dev-docs.dcentwallet.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DCENTWALLETS

Medium: https://dcent.medium.com/


Awesome project. I support wallets providers.
Could you detail more how do you plan to use ASTR rewards and your milestone in the upcoming months (deadlines)?


We had a nice conversation in Astar’s discord, where my answers were answered. Without further ado, I support the proposal presented :pray:t3: :star_struck:


Thank you for your interest in D’CENT Wallet and your support. We are excited to share our plans for using ASTR rewards and milestones for the upcoming months.
In the short term, we plan to use ASTR rewards to support our existing ASTR airdrop program.
In December 2023, we sponsored 323 addresses with a total of 48,450 ASTR. We will continue to support this program to help attract new users to the D’CENT Wallet and Astar Network.
In the long term, we plan to use ASTR rewards to fund new initiatives that will help us grow our business and support the Astar Network community. These initiatives may include:

  • Creating paid content with influencers to promote Astar Network and D’CENT Wallet
  • Developing new features and integrations for D’CENT Wallet to support the Astar Network
  • Investing in research and development to further advance the security and usability of D’CENT Wallet in connection to Astar Network

We are committed to using ASTR rewards in a way that benefits both our users and the Astar Network community. We will continue to update our community on our progress and solicit feedback on how we can best use these funds.


Welcome DCent!
You got my support!


It’ll be our honor to have you here. However, May I have some questions?

  1. Security

I am confident that the project team prioritizes security. However, I would like to know more about the team’s emergency response plan in case of unexpected events.

  1. Multiple Wallets to use in market

As you know, there are many different wallets available for users. I would like to know the project team’s perspective on the opportunities and challenges of having multiple wallets.


As previously discussed in the Discord channel, I truly appreciate the proposal to expand hardware wallet options. The native support for dApp Staking is a fantastic addition. You have my support. Utilizing funds to attract new users to the ecosystem is a good strategy, and I hope for continued transparency in handling these funds. It would be great if you could provide regular reports, perhaps every 1-2 months, to keep the community informed about the progress and developments.


I support Sequaja’s comment to keep us educated about their progress, I stress the importance of this.


I would love checking monthly updates about the project as well… Astar community would be super excited in getting more and more informations

  1. Security and Emergency Response:
    We understand your trust in our commitment to security, and we’re proud of our seven-year track record of zero security incidents or hacks. To further solidify that trust, we’d like to share our comprehensive emergency response plan:
  • Swift and proactive communication: In case of unexpected events or vulnerabilities, we prioritize immediate notification through multiple channels – email, in-app notices, social media, and website notifications – ensuring you’re informed as quickly as possible.
  • Dedicated and responsive support: Our 24/7 (within 48 hours at most) customer support team is always available to answer your questions and address concerns with empathy and expertise.
  • Well-defined and practiced response: We have a proactive emergency response plan in place, covering detection and investigation, containment and mitigation, and clear communication of recovery steps.

We prioritize transparency and proactive communication, giving you peace of mind knowing D’CENT is well-equipped to handle any situation, with a dedicated team behind you every step of the way.

  1. Navigating the Multi-Wallet Landscape:
    We acknowledge the diverse landscape of crypto wallets and understand your question about our perspective. Here’s how D’CENT navigates this space:
  • Convenience and focus: We aim to streamline your experience by offering a single solution for managing various crypto assets, eliminating the need for separate wallets and the associated complexities.
  • User-centric approach: We understand individual preferences and offer options like our mobile app for UI/UX-focused mobile users, while recognizing the need for PC-based extensions for some.
  • Expanding integrations: We’re actively integrating with existing wallets like Talisman and expanding compatibility within the Polkadot ecosystem, including Astar and other parachains. Our goal is to cater to diverse user preferences and make D’CENT the most accessible and seamless crypto management solution.

In essence, D’CENT prioritizes convenience, user choice, and ongoing integration to offer a superior experience compared to juggling multiple wallets. We believe this approach, coupled with our unwavering commitment to security and support, makes D’CENT the ideal choice for managing your crypto assets with confidence.


Thank you for your advice and let us upload the latest information on regular basis!

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I’m excited about the plan to expand hardware wallet choices and add native support for dApp Staking – it’s a fantastic move. You’ve got my support. Using funds to bring in new users is a smart strategy, and I’d love regular updates too! Keep up the good work!


Thank a lot for this clarification. I got your point of view =)

List D’CENT in dApp Staking
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After testing the wallet I may say I like it , all the implementation You have mentioned and the future updates for Astar Native side.

I may suggest adding these features as well:

  • Dark mode
  • Larger security lock , every time I´ve switched the apps on my phone i needed to write again the pincode , in the long run it may be annoying.
  • Easier add tokens function, i wasn´t able to add ARSW and USDC verified tokens
  • I liked the Dcent main swap idea but Astar wasn´t available as a network, will You implement it on Dcentswap as well ? If yes will it include Astar zkEVM ?
  • I will also appreciate a multi web page on the internal browser :slight_smile:

I remain really positive about Your wallet and Your products and I hope to see a monthly updates to keep the community updated. I will give it a try soon and provide extra feedback on Your discord/telegram.
Voted YES :grin: :handshake:


Voted yes.
Korea’s market is very important for Astar. We are pleased that you, being Korea’s No.1 cryptocurrency wallet, have joined the Astar ecosystem!

  • Dark mode : This feature is at our development roadmap and will make separate announcement when it gets available. Stay tuned!

  • Larger security lock : Main objective for wallet is saving user’s private key safely, and proper authentication level needs to be set-up. If entering PIN is trouble, smartphone offers fingerprint or face ID authentication methods and you can activate this feature under D’CENT mobile App setting menu.

  • Easier token function : We share this issue with development team and update you separetely why mentioned token can not be added.

  • Swap feature : This feature is run by the 3rd party and let us request to add ASTR network their supported list. When zkEVM network is launched, we will do the same thing with our swap service providers.

  • Multi web page: Thank you for your recommendation and let us review how we could support multi web pages at our browser.

Your input is valuable to us and feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions to make D’CENT Wallet better. Thank you!


Voted yes, a hardware wallet with a native support of dApp Staking, you have my support!


Greetings, we are very familiar with D’CENT and I have followed the discussions on discord. I support you.


plus, we are excited to announce that dApp Staking through D’CENT Wallet will be completed between 2024 February and March.