D'CENT Wallet - dApp Staking Proposal

Vote carried out, Favorable Contribution for Astar, Success for the entire team. But Please be sure to keep us updated with the reports.


I voted AYE. Looking forward to seeing D’CENT wallet listed. Thank you.


Voted AYE , pls make something special for Astar Fam


Wowww!!! I’m looking forward to seeing a great thing from yours =)


I love this project improving the security of our wallets is much needed!

I will support with a Yes!


Supported with my vote, let’s make Astar great!

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Congratulations! @DCENT_Wallet :tada:

The voting is passed. To proceed with the registration, please do the following:

  1. Have a native substrate account with transferrable 1001 ASTR. Share the address here.
  2. Have a verified smart contract and share the contract address here.
  3. Add #astar-network, #dAppStaking tags to your GitHub repo.
  4. Fill the form to be added to the Ecosystem Page on the Astar Network website. Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfIYRpuj2sTT22cJyP7CFfXkIwKmhwJvCGEO96-Bq2S2lKi_g/viewform
  5. Share your horizontal logo to prepare an announcement to our community.

We will whitelist the addresses.


Thank you so much! We are so happy to join and we will get this done as soon as possible.

since we are not building dApp staking contract on this project, could you confirm if the following applies to us as well?

  1. Have a verified smart contract and share the contract address here.
  2. Add #astar-network, #dAppStaking tags to your GitHub repo.

Thank you so much! We are so happy to join and we will get this done as soon as possible.

since we are not building dApp staking contract on this project, could you confirm if the following applies to us as well?

  1. Have a verified smart contract and share the contract address here.
  2. Add #astar-network, #dAppStaking tags to your GitHub repo.
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Hi @DCENT_Wallet,

For point 2, this applies to all projects that join dApp Staking. If you don’t have contracts on Astar Network, you can take the option to deploy a helloworld.sol contract and provide all the information in the header of the contract. Template contract.

  • Customize the contract and deploy it on Astar using Remix, ChainIDE or Hardhat.
  • Verify the contract on blockscout.
  • Share the contract address here

You will find resources for this in our documentation :

For point 3, if you have a GitHub repo, please add the tags #astar-network, #dAppStaking to your Repo. This is a way for developers and users to easily identify projects that are part of dApp Staking on GitHub.


Great! The vote has been approved. I just want to commend you that a report on your performance in our program is very well received by the entire community that follows you. Although we will see this in operation with V3 it is not yet available, so it would be beneficial for you to do this for months.


Thank you! we have done point 2 to 5, but we have few more questions on point 1,

  1. Have a native substrate account with transferrable 1001 ASTR. Share the address here.
  1. Will this wallet address later be the registered as a dApp wallet address on Astar Portal? so will we be able to claim the rewards on this address afterwards?
  2. I want to clarify on 1001 ASTR. are we going to “receive” 1001 ASTR soon or do we have to “buy and charge” 1001 ASTR on our wallet?
  3. Is this 1001 ASTR going to be used for the dApp registration fee?

Hi @DCENT_Wallet,

  1. Yes, this is the wallet you’ll use to claim your developer rewards.
  2. You have to fund your wallet yourself. 1001 ASTR were required in dApp Staking V2, now with V3 you can fund this wallet with 10 ASTR and that will be enough ;
  3. Yes, they will be used for the dApp Staking registration fee. As you register your dApp on the blockchain, you have to pay transaction fees to the collators and relay chain validators. This is the same as for any transaction on Astar network blockchain.
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  1. Native substrate account with 10 ASTR:

  2. Verified smart contract and share the contract address:

  1. Add #astar-network, #dAppStaking tags to your GitHub repo:
  1. Ecosystem Project Registration
  • done.
  1. Horizontal logo of D’CENT
    zip file on our gitbook Logo & Brand Guideline | D'CENT developer guide

Hello @DCENT_Wallet,

Addresses have been whitelisted. You can now register on the portal by connecting the native wallet.

Guide: Register dApp | Astar Docs


Cg DCENTErs, welcome onboard!


Congrats!!! Welcome to our family in offiicailly =)


Congrats @DCENT_Wallet, welcome aboard! I look forward to seeing your development and please don’t hesitate to share your progress here.


Welcome guys! Best of success in this new stage


Comprehensive and structured presentation. Happy to have you onboard.