Neurolanche | 🚨 a project that is cause for alarm

Thanks for sharing.
I can answer in all transparency. Astar Foundation’s only responsibility is the responsibility of their own treasury. We can’t be held responsible for another project’s treasury when it’s not a project from the Astar Foundation.

If someone from the Astar core team wants to be part of your multisig this has to be in their own name or entity and not in the name of Astar Foundation or Astar branding. Legally speaking, this means that Astar’s name can’t be used as part of your multisig, only the person’s name or his/her entity.


Thank you for the preliminary information, Maarten.

On February 12th, I would also like to discuss what can be done for more transparent treasury management for the dapps located in Astar Network, as well as our development process.

I wish you a good day. We will continue with our daily reports as well as our monthly expense reports.

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Leo suspected me as the one fudding this project and creating this post. So silly!

Why don’t you guys (who are against him) dox yourself?


Hello - - - Like it was stated the propose of this forum is for a open discussion. It allows users to point out concerns. Continue sending any observations here:

Censoring or removing this post is impactful to the Polkadot and Astar ecosystem and those who are doing due diligence on projects. From this forum post we see that concerns do exist from several people. We noticed the accolades statement, the marketing disagreement and others. These are all reasons to continue to do due diligence here.

We want to point out and ask about the Close Funding of the Neurolanche token $NEROX

This is from the recent twitter post of the Neurolanche account with the title - - - Transparency - Build with the Community

“However, due to a desire for transparency and administrative success, it will not conduct any token sales until the demo of the Firolauss AI project is released, except for closed fundings. (Please contact us for closed fundings.)”

Transparency - - -

We want to ask if the Neurolanche team can provide transparency about their closed funding round that was mentioned in the post.

Why is this closed funding needed for the Neurolanche project?

What are the specifications of this closed funding round?

Are there requirements that a person has to meet in order to be able to participate in this closed funding round?

Are all the team members listed on your public website able to participate in this closed funding round of the Neurolanche token sale?

Are the Polkadot ambassadors on the Neurolanche team going to be able to participate in this closed funding round? If yes, will they receive a discount or a lower price entry to the token that Neurolanche will sell?

Are the Polkadot ambassadors on the Neurolanche team actively promoting the Neurolanche closed funding round? If yes, where are they promoting it?

How many users joined the closed funding round?

How many teams joined the closed funding round?

Does Neuroalanche closed funding participants have vesting periods? Cliff vesting? Partial vesting?

Any other Neurolanche closed funding round arrangements that the community and public should know about?

Do the users and groups served by the Polkadot ambassadors who belong to the Neurolanche team get access to the the Neurolanche closed funding round?

What platform will Neurolanche be doing this token sale on?

Will Polkadot Ambassadors who are team members be promoting this token sale from their social media accounts?

Will Polkadot Ambassadors who are team members be promoting this token sale to users in their public domain and communities?

Will KYC be required for the Neurolanche closed funding round?

Will KYC be required for the public sale of the Neurolanche $NEROX token?

Are there any other closed funding that the public should be aware of?

Polkadot has approximately 1.449.000 followers on their twitter and a good amount of ambassadors that link themselves to it. We have seen many get program roles that some say they shouldn’t have. Polkadot ambassadors working on other teams isn’t new either. Common thing really.

What is novel to us is the persistent effort of Neurolanche’s Polkadot ambassador founder and Polkadot ambassador team members to heavily promote a project that only contains 500 NFTs and a subpar first person shooting game to inviting users to their closed funding of a Neurolanche future token.

We witness the recent Polkadot twitter post about the Neurolanche project. It was taken down within 24 hrs of it being posted on the official Polkadot twitter. We again remind users to consider what the Polkadot branding means and how it is being used by some of their ambassadors.

> Do not blame the players, blame the game

Relevant. We would ask who are the players? Should they be playing the same game?


1- The private funding round for Neurolanche was established for discussions with investor companies and to elevate ourselves to a more legitimate level. During this process, all closed funding instances will be conducted and announced under the umbrella of dApp Labs with image files. As Neurolanche, like every project, we need to apply to VCs and Capitals. The participants in the private funding round will be announced later.

2- As Neurolanche, although we are not conducting any token sales before unveiling our AI Application, we are open to all legitimate Capitals. This is always a standby situation for further development, not out of necessity.

3- A feature of this private funding round is the possibility for Capitals and angel investors interested in our early-stage project to invest.

4- To participate in the private funding round, one must have significant features, such as being at the level of Capital and VC, or able to perform KYC as an angel investor.

5- It is strictly forbidden for team members listed on our public website to participate in the closed funding sale. Therefore, we are mindful of the KYC environment and do not allow unidentified individuals to enter this private investment space.

6- No ambassador from the Neurolanche team will participate in this private funding round.

7- The private funding round has not started yet. That is, no one has joined yet. We have not finalized it as a team. (As per our recent decision, we are not considering collecting investments until Firolauss’s early stage is published.)

8- Answered in point 7.

9- There is no right to win in the private financing process. This process progresses with our application to VCs and Capitals. We do not focus on or proceed with VCs in the Polkadot ecosystem.

10- The community should know that there is currently no private financing round because no process has started. Most likely, this process will not occur until Firolauss’s early stage is published.

11- Unfortunately, we cannot provide information about our partnerships at this time, but we have an important partner. The main reason for this is your FUD in the ecosystem by spreading false news.

12- Token sales will proceed entirely through an official process and are far from the planned time. The introduction stage will be through legal frameworks. The marketing process has not been planned yet.

13- KYC is necessary for Neurolanche’s private sale round, as mentioned in the above points.

14- KYC will be required for the public sale. Data privacy will be considered during this process, but it is planned for a later date.

15- There is no other funding situation that the public needs to know about. We have not collected funds so far. An official announcement will be made when the collection begins.

16 The official response from the Polkadot team is stated below.

The official statement from the Polkadot team.

Additionally, your starting fake transactions on WASM while creating fake news about us did not surprise us. It was surprising to see you here after publishing the report that these fake TXS occurred. We invite you to our post below. Stop attacking us and let’s build this ecosystem together

Don’t damage ecosystem by creating fake TXS! Normally we can see which adress created this contract to mage fake txs. And this adress has a lot ASTR inside. Why We are not writing proposal about to block this adress?

Guys We are just trying to build like everyone.

Best respect.

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@Dot.Dot.Diligence you may want to reveal your credentials before anyone start taking you seriously. @Leo has gone above and beyond providing a lot of details here. These anon fud tactics are a nuisance at this point imo.


I find it concerning that in this space built for trustless interaction, inquisitive and important questions get labeled as Fud or only valid once doxxed.

The only point raised was that Neurolanche aggressively markets half-true statements (see the most tx part)

If you fling around big words like “worlds first AI solution that…” and “most tx” (like in the Polkadot AMA I listened to) prepare for people to validate these claims. If you then answer someone identifying this as untrue with “well the game is in beta” it makes you look bad. Period.


Looks like no KYC required for the $NEROX token sale tomorrow, contrary to what was stated above by @Leo

Also the Firolauss “Ai” is basically just a chatbot

I don’t see why the project with such a large share of the total dApp staking rewards requires a private token launch in the first place.

I’m afraid the burden is on Astar core team to make sure there are no nefarious projects exploiting the community / dApp staking system. @Maarten

Having a scam project receive the bulk of rewards, while every innovating team now starving of rewards and forced to leave the eco is worst case scenario for Astar. (Hypothetical scenario and not a direct accusation here, i’m just asking questions and raising points for discussion)

The reason NL has so many stakers is because of the 25% staking incentive.

Transparency should be a key requirement for projects especially in Tier 1 and 2.

There are many suspicions around this project from different chats, and the token launch just adds to the list of suspicions.


agreed, cashback from staking reward should be prohibited

You are not following us closely enough. Our 25% staking incentive has been gone for about 5 months. The reason Neurolanche is staked so much is because my community holds a lot of ASTR.

Aside from that, whether we have red flags or not is aligned with our achievements. Don’t try to spread FUD before the private sale. You won’t succeed. We have worked honestly and come this far.

Still We have near txs to Yoki. As neurolanche team we are not sleeping and working everyday. If you are wondering, you can visit us in Pavia Italy. We created with our university friends and teachers Some couple days ago new AI team.

And If you are mentioning here NL, I am not shocking why u are fuding us. Our everything is with legal way.

Have a good day.

It’s funny you say i don’t follow your project closely enough, but it’s actually that you keep lieing about what the rewards and terms are.

First you say KYC required for private sale, now no mention.

25% dApp staking was not denied by you in your own discord.

It seems you can’t keep up with your own lies, and you spread these lies to gain a large marketshare of dApp staking, starving other deserving projects.

Easy to find all the lies in your own discord, screenshots already taken. Below is a sample @Leo @Maarten

Oh, and no i won’t be visiting you in Italy, keep these useless comments outside of an online discussion forum.

We removed astr staker reward before dapp staking v3. And if you are thinking we are not mentioning AirDrop stuff, you are such a bad person guy. You are not even from my Community. Next month at beginning we will publish Dashboard.

And I am saying again. We have this 310 Million Astr as community. Actually more than it. We can stake Each dapp where we want.

If you want to succesfull in ur project focus to build my brother.

Let’s see how the token performs, no doubt you are going to dumb on buyers into oblivion

By the way, nowhere was it announced you removed 25# staker kickback.

Majority staking with NL believe they’re getting those rewards.

Yeah When we have More marketcap than your all chaos dap project I will see. You don’t know even our power and our Vision.
You are just farmer of Polkadot

Very professional of you, not worrying at all how emotional you are getting to basic questions. Your responses don’t even make sense

We are highly professional, don’t worry.

See you soon. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll drop my 2 cents for fun :laughing:

First thought of neurolanche:
How is this new guy able to become an ambassador for astar and get dapp staking approved for a product that doesn’t exist.
While I already have products in the metaverse (with 10,000s of users), have been here since the start and can’t get funding. :exploding_head:

When I first spoke with Leo and dug into Neurolanche. I didn’t think they understood what they was getting into. Building this kind of project is almost impossible to be profitable without investment. Costs for devs/servers/APIs/engines is a lot of money. Then you need to find users with money to play and pray not to get deprecated by an engine upgrade. :laughing:

They was building a lot of excitement in the Astar community and receiving a lot of money from dapp-staking/NFTs and I was getting a bit worried about the potential of this all going wrong.

But then they started launching products.
Astar strike was a decent and fun product that I enjoyed playing. I spent hours trying to climb the crane but didn’t get anywhere. :laughing:

So I started to respect the ability to build these kind of experiences.
But the Metaverse wave was dying down.

Then the AI wave came and I saw their product is doing something on chain. So as an astar/AI enthusiast I’m happy.

Now from experience I understand that more products is not always a good thing. If Neurolanche tries to chase all of these industries at the same time then it will be hard to keep up and compete with other products on the market and could make Neuro obsolete. But they have funding so they can keep throwing money at it anyway :man_shrugging:

The original post seems like a mix of jealousy and bias with bold claims and no evidence.
I don’t think this is needed here at all.
Maybe a simple “Should we delist Neurolanche?” would of been fine.

But here is the real question we should be asking ourselves:
Is Neurolanche good for the astar ecosystem?
300m+ ASTR in dapp staking… Respect!
Leo is a great marketer and has brought a lot of new users to Astar. Respect!
Working products built. Respect!

Personally I think we should respect and support Neurolanche for their continued work on Astar!

It’s not about marketing. Leo constantly lies about everything for this marketing to happen.
He constantly touts about having the “biggest treasury” in the system and the power that comes from it but he doesnt share that this treasury a) cant be used by neurolanche b) was the amount it was due to 25% staking and airdrop promises not because they have a project people believe in.

Their “projects” zk strike and firolaus are both just apps in the app store they are not at all connected to web3 and cant see how they can be connected, how is an fps mobile game a web3 project? Firolaus is also a chatbot and a bad chatbot at that, thats also not connected to web3 in any shape or form.

So to summarize yes maybe we should delist neurolanche since they rely on predatory practices, lie constantly to create a narrative, misuse words and definitions to present themselves as “scientists” and their projects as “scientific” and the only thing they actually do is drain liquidity from other projects (which btw were very happy to be the first and biggest dapp and at no point did they say “hey we have enough astar and are the only “project” in the first tier maybe we can help others to join at least tier 4”) so they definitely dont care about the astar community as a whole.

The incentives so freely given up until now had to change because with the new dapp staking it was no longer viable giving away so much astar so they introduced a shitcoin because otherwise the whole scheme crumbles to dust.

This is not the web3 spirit astar and polkadot were founded upon, its predatory, self serving and full of disgusting lies.

Here is an example of what i said that he used for his coin sales, a) he presents the dapp staking as tvl and letting it be implied that they can use this money to fund their project because otherwise why even mention “tvl”, b) presents their “projects” as ai and gamefi they are neither, c) presents the team as having a strong academic career (being a student in a masters programme is not an academic career)


It’s refreshing to know that there are others that can see the clear scam that is playing out in this ecosystem, and of course, it’s met by silence as usual when issues surrounding Neurolanche are raised.

Linking a comment I made in response to Neurolanche.

There is possibly a much deeper issue at play here as to why the ambassadors and core team can’t see it. I understand the core team don’t want to interfere but they have left a huge gap in the defense for bad actors to exploit Astar network.

I’m guessing official ambassadors aren’t on the Astar Network payroll? They are just random voluntary guys off the internet with no qualifications in Web3 besides using ChatGPT to write responses?

I remember the ‘Astarian’ NFT project fiasco back when NFTs just launched on Astar Network (core team promoted them from official channels, people bought, team rugged instantly) - the core team have previous history of issues when verifying rug pulls / scams / bad actors. I don’t like to bring up past issues but the team have learnt nothing it seems.

Wait for non of your or my points to be addressed by anyone effectively.

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the one i wonder, its not only neurolanche,
why teams without any product (still building/planning) can listing on dapps?
i feel some team just wanna quick cash while giving the staker some cash back

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