Neurolanche | šŸšØ a project that is cause for alarm

To make everything clear :

  • Astar Ecosystem Agent (Astar Ambassadors) , arenā€™t within teamā€™s payroll, we have a seperated reward system based on KPIs and tier system.
  • Each Agents are free to plan his own way how to represent, promote or managing their own local Astar community as long it is aligned with Astar core team.
  • Almost all of us were working IRL, but I assure you most of us came from many different backgrounds and all of us understands how Web3 industry works out.
  • No we donā€™t use ChatGPT to write responses. If you happen to see few agents wrote in a strange manner, mostly because we arenā€™t English native, we use translator. Iā€™m not an English native, not everyone can wrote in a good grammar, especially if he/she didnt came from english native country.

If we want to discuss about this particular issue, I suggest you to create another thread. Will happy to discuss it. I started as an Agent since Plasm time. So itā€™s already more than 3 years :slight_smile:


Thanks for addressing some of my points - and yet the answers are just as i suspected.

  • Reward system based off what KPIā€™s exactly? Just another vague answer
  • Alligned with core team? So this means basically just donā€™t FUD / constructively critically analyze / scrutinize anything but you can be paid by Neurolanche to promote them freely. But if anyone else ā€œFUDā€™sā€ you all gang up as Agents and blacklist their product.
  • Thanks for the assurance, but you donā€™t even know your colleagues IRL.
  • Not being an English native speaker is a null and void excuse for low level comments in this forum - your English in the above post is near perfect. 80% of comments in this forum as whole are amateur filler nonsense.

Iā€™ve taken the time to read many topics - there is a big herd mentality that exists.

Griftors / scammers / bad actors in crypto have a very long term point of view when it comes to embedding themselves in an ecosystem. Just because youā€™re here from the Plasm time means absolutely nothing. They take time to build reputation, position and influence to then open themselves up for potentially corruption / bribes / financial incentives. They donā€™t have the best intentions of the ecosystem as their primary goal and strategy - ambassadors doing this role and giving up their time without being on the core team payroll makes it even more likely.

So the core team have essentially handed (some) power over to unverified random strangers on the internet without providing any background checks, basically opening the ecosystem up to a high degree of risk.

This would never happen in any serious traditional finance company.

Hey there,

so about your respones here:

  1. Here you go with the Agent program where you can find all info about tasks, point system and also you can check all agents contributions and how it is done: GitHub - AstarNetwork/growth-program: Astar Ecosystem Growth Program

  2. This means that agents are kinda bridge between community and the core team. We are listening community handling and passing issues, helping them understand, finding solutions and reporting bugs to core team.

  3. This is very common for any ambassador program, this is not a job we are doing this in our free time, because we value Astar eco and want to spread and drive growth here. We are having agent calls every month, so we know our faces and voice, but yes we never met in person since we are spread around the whole world.

You need also to understand that Astar is permissonless blockchain, so core team is not responsible for this, community is the KING here and they can decide it whether project is a shady one or not.

Also we are operating in world of decentraliziation, so there shouldnā€™t be any close similarities between Astar acting as traditional finance.

However thank you for your concerns and we will definitely look into it! Have a great day.


Hi @Matt ,

Thank you very much for the link, information and your point of view.

The issue i am addressing is that the core team havenā€™t put effective controls in place for the ambassador program - they have washed their hands of it and hoping for the best it seems. Unfortunately crypto and anything with monetary opportunities is ripe with scammers and grifters so controls need to be put in place.

You say community is KING here and that is exactly my point - the entire Astar community is being represented by the agendaā€™s and decisions of these agents. Unfortunately 99% of overall Astar users donā€™t visit this forum, the majority visit Discord (if even that - look at the staking rate % - most arenā€™t clued in at this stage) and a very small tiny minority visit this forum. That doesnā€™t sound very decentralized to me.

We as a ecosystem celebrate when we collaborate with Web 2 / trad finance companies / governments (e.g. Sony, Japan, the list goes on) so we need to hold ourselves to the same stringent standards. Especially in the beginning when we are still at a fragile phase of development and prone to predatory bad actors trying to embed and infiltrate.

I really appreciate you saying you will look into the points raised here and I hope you can provide some feedback into the future.

I will continue to scrutinize every project I have time to, and raise what i deem to be red flags without hesitation.

There should be no issues with my approach if people have nothing to hide, and the transparency should be welcomed.

No system is perfect so why canā€™t we improve our current governance system defense before Astar gets even bigger and potentially more scammers are inevitably trying to infiltrate here.


So one of two things is happening:

a) The core team either is too idiotic to understand the damage ā€œprojectsā€ such as neurolanche do and dont care about the healthy growth of the astar project and why we shouldnt be connected in this early stage of web2 adaption to rugs and scams since when neurolanche implodes it will take with it some of the confidence people show to the network.


b) they are totally onboard with it since not much is happening in astar and neurolanche is great at shouting from the rooftops and giving the illusion that something is happening while nothing is and also contains all the right buzzwords ā€œweb3ā€ ā€œaiā€ ā€œgamefiā€ ā€œmetaverseā€ etc, plus a lot of ambassadors at some point did get payed by neurolanche to promote it so they let it run simply because it brings attention and the people that direct voting for projects to continue are in cahoots with neurolanche.

Both options are equally terrifying for the future of astar network.


Please let me know where you claim I have defrauded people.

Below are all my details, and if you think I am a scammer, please state so unequivocally to the European courts and apply to the main law in Turkey to have me prosecuted and jailed.

Up to this day, as Neurolanche, we have fulfilled everything we promised. Besides our daily work, our team does its best to add value to this ecosystem. I advise you to approach with respect instead of resorting to defamation.

As I mentioned, if you have even a slight piece of evidence of fraud, you can sue me using the information below. Otherwise, please do not damage the Astar network by spreading defamation.

Thank you.

Bizarre, unhinged and worrying response as the founder of the ā€œ#1 dApp staking projectā€ on Astar and also an official Astar community ambassador.

Many points raised above which have not been addressed.


In the conversations above, it was mentioned without any research that ZkStrike and Firolauss AI are not connected to Web3. With Account Abstraction, they are indeed connected; by talking alone with Thirdweb and Particle Network, we managed to have them support Astar ZkEvm at our request. Considering that the total number of transactions for these applications exceeded 150,000 in just 2 months, what question do you think I should answer?

As I said, if you have serious issues with Neurolanche, you can bring them up with official authorities instead of defaming the project with accusations. Other than that, I prefer to use my time for development.

Thank you.

That is one of many points raised above and by only 1 user (not me)

What about the payments (some) official Astar ambassadors received from NL either currently or in the past?

I know you are young but please try to be more professional and mature - involving the legal system is a complete nonsense response for an Astar forum topic and i donā€™t believe to be an appropriate response or action point for discussion.

Maybe other official Astar ambassadors agree with you, maybe they donā€™t, or maybe they will stay silent out of fear of talking against the herd.

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The mere fact that you prefer to have this drawn out in a court room and away from web3 eyes rather than answering questions here in the forum says a lot because a court case will take years to be proven while answering here just keeps you hostage of what you say immediately. When you cant answer you just throw a bigger ball at the person that asked, right?

All which are outlined below but not limited to were used to create a narrative and hopes of roi for people to buy a) your nfts b) your coin c) stake with you so you can have monetary gains.

You promised a meteverse while showcasing bought unity assets like the cyberpunk 2077 city from afar and a dome which gives me flashbacks from the web 2 dreamworld project(the mmo to end all mmos). While in truth there is no metaverse you are building yet you presented it as already a work in progress which coincidentally at some point transformed into zkstrike a project of much smaller caliber and in no way shape or form a metaverse.

You promised an ai that understands emotions and will be able to populate above said metaverse while you gave a badly prompted chatgpt bot which cant obviously understand emotions and chatgpts are LLMS not the same thing as npcs you can use LLMs in games but for dialogue not to create npcs that do stuff in a game.

You promised to tackle Alzheimer with web3, this is just an insult to people and their loved ones that suffer from this disease and it infuriates me more than anything else.

You promised a web3 game and just gave an fps android store game with no connection to web3, if there is a connection please do describe it here and how does this actually translates to web3. Having people connect their emails so later they can connect their wallets to the email so you can distribute rewards for playing isnā€™t web3 its carnage 2.0.

You promised that you will not introduce the neurox token until all projects are out and running instead you pushed them out of the door not even half baked and launched your coin.

You involve and employ underage moderators in your project.

You pretend like you have a phd or at the very least a background in neuroscience/ai/engineering but you are a masters student in psychology(which is not the same things as psychiatry or neurology its a philosophical approach to the mind not a medical one, psychologists are not considered scientists because psychology is not a science), not ai, not engineering nothing of the sort.
You, with clear intent, misuse terms like science and scientist to give gravitas to what you are saying and presenting.

Each day that it passes and with all this ambassador drama i get the feeling that astar is being run by a shady cartel of people that support each other against whatā€™s best for the network as a whole, whether this reaches to the top top like sota or not idk but its sad.

For the shake of Astar Network which pays your tuition and expenses and for your own shake because you are a young man at the start of his life please take a minute to consider what you are doing and stop.

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Development processes involve both time and cost. To date, we have spent all our revenues on the development of Neurolanche and have prepared reports detailing the developments we make every month.

When we started the metaverse project, we decided to postpone it to a later date due to its high financial cost after making significant progress (we were building it before applying for the dApp staking program).

The development of the Firolauss AI project is still ongoing. You can review all the costs and check our roadmap from the roadmap below. Our main goal in publishing a small test in recent months was to calculate server costs. We are currently continuing development without slowing down and doing this with my friends who are studying in the Artificial Intelligence program at my university.

If you wish, I can also provide the official contracts.

The development of ZkStrike is ongoing and is currently fully connected to web3. Entering your email in ZkStrike does not mean you are not using web3. We are working with Thirdweb in the background. Thanks to this, users can log in without seeing any web3 products, and all actions within the game are running on the Blockchain in the background.

Everything, including the points you collect in the game and the leaderboard rankings, is included. Additionally, ZkStrike will complete its development this month and receive its final update, thus having many features, including the Battle Royale mode.

When I promised the Nerox token, my promises were to ensure the first impression of Firolauss AI and to make ZkStrike functional on mobile. All the funds we have collected are actively used to support development. They are collected to support development within our community.

I am not a masterā€™s student in psychology but a masterā€™s student in neuroscience. Furthermore, psychology is a science. If you think psychology is not a science, I recommend doing some research on the topic. You also mentioned that we employ underage individuals. The youngest person on our team is myself, and I am 25 years old.

Additionally, I have always worked according to ethical principles up to this point. If you ask questions about the applications instead of making assumptions, I will answer all your questions, and you will better understand what stage we are at.

I expect every single Astar ambassador to ignore your post @Logos

Iā€™m glad you are able to provide more detail from a technical granular perspective, the entire web constructed by NL is starting to become more clear the more questions asked, answers received, and questions dodged (NL payroll to ambassadors is met with silence here and in another thread requesting funding for a Turkey event linked here) 1 Zero 1 Knowledge Event powered by Astar Network Ä°stanbul/Turkey - #12 by FFR23

To substantiate your claims, at timestamp 1:35 to 1:38, Neurolanche Discord moderator says he is indeed a teenager (Adrian Coin Ref)

@Gaius_sama - i apologize for the tag but i feel it necessary to tag you here so that the core team are aware of the above recent comments.

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Adrian is someone who does not work with us officially and does not receive any payment. Additionally, he is not a moderator on our Discord; he took on a role at his request to organize game events voluntarily (ZkStrike player) on our Discord. Friends, I donā€™t know what your intentions are, but Iā€™m amazed at how you come up with things based on false accusations.

Iā€™m amazed you keep dodging the payroll question to Astar ambassadors

And Adrian is a NL ambassador whichever way you look at it.

He literally moderated the call you are present on above. So he doesnā€™t work for you? The optics look much different.