Proposal to reopen lockdrop 2 claims

Discussion should be public and that’s why I asked to make topic on the forum. To be honest, the priority of this topic is very low because of 3 reasons. First, the decision has been already made by the community poll. See Poll: Whether We Should Issue Token for Unclaimed Participants of Lockdrop#2 or Not (The trust level 1 people can vote) Second, we have a lot of more important tasks that we have to do like layer2, governance, and so on.

Why didn’t you join the discussion 2 months ago? You should have joined this discussion earlier.

At this moment, this topic has only 98 views though the 2nd lockdrop poll has 1.4K views. Also i would like to know @DMA’s opinion. We have done the poll 1-2 months ago because he requested it.

Actually, this topic is not what we should discuss since the decision has been already made. If we revert that decision, is that fair? I don’t think so. The topic we should discuss is whether unclaimed people can get SDN tokens or not.