Unstoppable Grants Proposal: ApeXChimpz (AXC) + full IP

Hello @BoomBLB
Thank you for your questions.

I believe a lot of your topics of interest have slightly been covered by the proposal itself + the answer towards @pitcoin777 here:

But I believe I can touch on your points more specifically.

  1. Sure the “rush” in NFTs has been degrading with the overall degrading of the market sentiment in crypto. Nevertheless the tech and the opportunities that arise with NFT 2.0 are immense and we believe that this area of NFTs will only see its first real upspring when the overall market turns bull again.
    Last cycle static NFTs were the “thing”. Imagine how a liquid NFT 2.0 with easy access and 100% customizability would attract eyes.
    Many more examples to name here…

  2. The project is set up to become the middleman between “advertiser” and “ad surface”. As such we function as a marketing agency that onboards projects to put up ads on the billboards (the NFTs).
    This way we as project can generate revenue via multiple routes.
    We can work with KPIs of NFTs to select or pre-select the right NFT addresses for the needs of partner projects. It is not too complicated when you compare it to “classic” marketing agencies.
    We onboard partners into the NFT collection, we give them the right or desired destination for their promotion and we can work long term with those partners to foster the right addresses for deeper needs they might have.
    Imagine: A project is new in the DeFi area. We onboard them and send 150 equippable T-Shirts to XChimpz. Those XChimpz who wear the Shirts (have it equipped) for a certain time and maybe even enter some “fashion contests”, would receive a follow up item from that Project. Then again those XChimpz who have both items equipped would receive a 3rd item after a while. This way the holder of the NFT would qualify as a supporter to that new DeFi project and would be elegible for things like (just example) Beta-testing or a more closed area in the Discord, or could be in a closer round to become ambassador…
    We basically bring the ability to partner projects to find their supporters without the need of doing a lot of social activity/research (for both sides, the NFT holder and the partner project).
    You can imagine that there is value in all of the above and that we can generate revenue this way, once we have hit the ground running. The beauty is, that we already have many great partners who are just waiting to work with us (like outlined in examples above) as soon as we go live. So we have a very very solid setup prepared to start strong and showcase this new business setup.

  3. With RMRK EVM we have a huge variety of options to onboard partners. This ultimately leads to partners advertising the whole concept to their communities. This again grows awareness towards the project, the opportunities and also ASTAR itself.
    We onboard partners/projects who bring their own communities into this. This will grow the demand for the XChimpz immensly as there is only a fixed amount of XChimpz out there and projects will want to get their communities active into the XChimpz OR get existing XChimpz holders interested in their projects by offering equippables (created and handled via AXC) with such strong “perks” that NFT holders will want to equip the created items and work with the new project.
    Also just an example: DeFi project “ZT” is new and delivered 200 equippable items for XChimpz. A few weeks later we hold a “ZT” sponsored and themed contest where the topic is “DeFi-City”.
    Marketing could be: Dress your XChimp for the “ZT DeFi-City” tour and enter via posting your XChimp on X with the #ZT-DeFi-City to enter the contest and win XXXXX
    We have many such ideas to bring upsides to A) Our community/NFT holders, B) Our partners and C) ultimately ASTAR as we will “happen” here and onboard projects into this via our business model.

I hope this answered your questions to your satisfaction and maybe even beyond.

Looking very much forward to bringing all this live on ASTAR



many points that you pick up have been covered in the proposal and this thread.

Though I wish to highlight the point of staking rewards flowing into the project and not into a kickback for stakers.

DApp staking is a model to give projects the base to keep developing. Not to incentivice “rewardhoppers” to stake with certain projects. It only leads to a race to the bottom when it is all about reward kickbacks because projects will only try to give more % to stakers to atrackt them. Its less about the quality of the project than it is about the extra on top rewards for the stakers.
I would argue that we dont fear competition but actially do the opposite by saying that we reward our backers in our own project-items which they can use, isntead of handing out $ASTR to lure reward hoppers in.

I hope this gives you a better overview in combination with the other answers we provided.

When it comes to solving issues with community structure on ASTAR itself, I believe it is up to everyone to solve their issues. We can certainly help with structuring communities overall via specialised equippables that can function as key NFTs for token gated access to certain community areas.
Thats also one of the beauties of equippable NFT 2.0 that we cover. BUt how that can and wants to be utilized is up to every project or partner themselves. We are more than happy to create, impliment and support.


Brightest salutations, everyone!

I truly don’t know how to express myself thoroughly enough here. There are few things I would like more than to see AXC migrate and begin the next chapter of our journey. There is so much in store for the future that I would love to see unfold on Astar. I think it’s a perfect fit, and I’ve said as much prior to now. This would be the dream coming true.

I have been around for a long time as far as the history of the project goes. Moon has always put forth his most genuine efforts and poured himself into everything he’s done. Him being that way goes as far back as the beginning. He is as tireless and resilient as they come when he is channeling his creativity and passion. I believe in him and what he is doing, wholly and completely. So too do I believe in the move to Astar.

Let’s unite and light the way together.



Congratulations @Moon-Bearer on your UCG proposal! The voting is passed.

To proceed with the registration, please do the following:

  1. Have a native substrate account with transferrable 1001 ASTR. Share the address here.
  2. Have a verified smart contract and share the contract address here.
  3. Add #astar-network, #dAppStaking tags to your GitHub repo.
  4. Fill the form to be added to the Ecosystem Page on the Astar Network website. Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfIYRpuj2sTT22cJyP7CFfXkIwKmhwJvCGEO96-Bq2S2lKi_g/viewform

The core team will whitelist the addresses and the community treasury will stake ASTR tokens on your dApp once listed in dApp Staking.


Thank you!

Looking very much forward to put everything into motion!

It is APEsolutely great to see the support from all the ASTAR Ambassadors in this topic. Feels real good to join you all with our IP!

  1. YJRfL8FvfVLnvnKwvBWr1Bnav1SH4WztHhwspeAD29mt6xa

:fist_right:t6: :fist_left:t6:


I was hoping you’d give me an answer like that. It’s really good to hear. You’re someone who knows the basics of community building. If I had heard any other answer, I would have said ‘NO’, but I am satisfied with your answer and I give you my full support. Therefore, I vote ‘YES’


Contract: 0x6D47349ce5bAE5394730125e55F086D0c863F01F
:fist_right:t6: :fist_left:t6:

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Addresses have been whitelisted. You can now register on the portal by connecting the native wallet.

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GM lovely ASTARians , all you great supporters and everyone who is simply just getting interested in our project.

It is a great pleasure to make public, that our apeXchimpz dApp in now live on ASTAR !

Please feel free to take a peak and maybe APE IN already.
While we have not released any ///all natural/// organic reward structures for staking with our dApp as of now, we have a history of rewarding people who simply APE IN with trust :wink:

Looking forward to updating the dApp and our reward structure in the coming days.

Now we have a foot in the door and will bring the whole tribes to ASTAR and build our vision with full force.


Big thank you to everyone involved to make this step happen.

Watch us!


2M ASTR tokens from Community funds have been staked on your dApp. Congratulations :tada:

As part of the UCG program, don’t forget to publish your monthly check-in reports here to share your updates with the community.

Looking forward to your migration to Astar. :orangutan:


Moon-Bearer is a true builder and ApeXChimpz will fit perfectly in Astar Network, by far best L1 from Polkadot.

I would fully support this proposal


Thank you very much Wavin!

Hyped to come to ASTAR :rocket:


I got your points. Thank you a lot for your clarification


Congratulations! Please don’t forgot to update as about your progress in the future! Thank you.


GM @Matt
Sure, will happily give a 4 week recap when the time has passed.
Sending out NFTs today on Kusama to connect KSM and EVM addresses as base for the migration :slight_smile:


Congratulations for this promotion! Success in your dapp :tada:


Thank you very much.
So much to be looking forward to.
Migrating, cleaning up and then powering forwards!


Awesome! Keep building :boom:

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Amazing news. Let`s keep pushing the good work and build a strong ecosystem together!

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