Hey @FFR23 We are usually not interested in talking about other people’s work.
Also to always be respectful.
It’s sad to read these things, it’s not just this case, there are dozens of dapps currently listed since 2023 that have not brought any results.
But we can talk to you about numbers. The “dappstaking” game cost our team a loss of $ 12,000 (reimbursed by the sale of nfts on astar) net of a work that lasted 6 months and a promotion of the ecosystem that started well before many of you (including presumptuous ambassadors) were present here.
We were hired by the core team and by Sota himself for our graphic art in the pre-AI world.
We are a company in the real world, we have costs and taxes to pay, we deal not only with the blockchain sector but with much more.
How can we expect web2 companies to enter this world, if the way of building and bringing economic benefits to them, can disappear from one day to the next due to the whims of a team that decides to change a reward system bringing the company’s earnings to -95%?
At a certain point it seemed that our income depended on the lack of votes. FALSE.
We don’t want to point the finger but it is absolutely and mathematically FALSE. In Italy they say: “Time is a gentleman” … just wait and the results become clear and evident to everyone.
Until there is a truly honest system, without double roles like those of the developer ambassadors, or promoters like in the case of this dapp, and without power games based on friendships rather than merit for having developed and worked seriously, we are sorry to say, but dappstaking can never be anything other than a banal way to attract mostly dishonest developers, give a tip (because that’s what it is) and make investors understand that many teams develop on ASTAR.
After 1 year, can you tell me at least 10 dapps that have brought certain value to the ecosystem? We don’t think so.
It would have been better for ASTAR to subsidize 1 web2 team with millions of dollars and have 1 super cool game having previous experience in web2.
It’s sad to read these things, it is clear from our point of view that at a technical level and implementation of the protocols, there is no knowledge… Using the RMRK protocol on a full onchain game is very complex and is not for everyone, let’s just say this. There are 2 games in the world that do it and one is ours. Then as always the results will speak, it takes time and you cannot ask for fast delivery times… but not even biblical times, we had understood from our proposal that the technical idea of integrating the blockchain was a MANDATORY PREREQUISITE to be listed. This does not seem to be the case apparently…
On subsquare perhaps a proposal should be made to establish roles and methods of control and remuneration for those who do this work, in the dappstaking context. Instead, as rightly underlined above, they pretend that it is a way to give a democratic and binding vote on principles of fairness. It can never be like that. You can’t make decisions with an AYE or NAY with the usual few active users who at the same time are perhaps the ones who have allowed the system to be so corrupt in the last 12 months.