1 Zero 1 Knowledge Event powered by Astar Network İstanbul/Turkey

Thank you for this update and sharing these photos.
It seems to be a success. Congratulations!
What is your feeling and feedback?
Based on the photos, it seems that not all the announced speakers were able to be present but it is always difficult to bring everyone you want.
To conclude, I could have some doubts at the beginning, but obviously the event is a success. So congrats and keep promoting Astar!


I really like the event recap , thanks for sharing :grin: :star2:

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Thank you for the detailed recap and transparent breakdown of the event costs! :pray:

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Greetings everyone, thank you for your congratulations. @VasaKing @Matt @GuiGou @you425

Our event went very well.
The venue was a P/F venue and we received quality service in many areas, but the location was difficult to reach by public transportation (Istanbul is such a big place that it can take 4 hours to get from one end of the city to the other).
We were worried that the attendance would be low if there were a lot of people who didn’t have a personal car or didn’t come by taxi but preferred public transportation. (Even though we filled our application capacity by 112%) But it was not as expected, everyone visited the event space with great enthusiasm.

What was the feedback from the community?
First of all, we had a very difficult job. There is a saying in Turkey: ‘There are no events in summer’. Seriously, it is very difficult to bring people with 100% capacity to a location where the weather is 38 degrees and transportation is difficult, right in the middle of the Summer holiday season. BUT we did it!!!

Everyone who participated said that they had not been to such a ‘sincere’ event for a long time and voluntarily shared on many social media platforms. Many organizations that were not our partners shared on social media when they saw that such an enjoyable event was taking place and we made a cumulative progress.

Even though the event was over, people did not leave the space and continued to network. We even had community members who came with their families and babies <3

So why couldn’t some of the speakers mentioned in the forum attend?
The biggest reason is EthCC Brussels. Many projects, including Clave, Scroll in Turkey, attended the events there. Although they all expressed that they wanted to participate, their calendars were very full because of EthCC and the members of the teams stayed in Europe after EthCC, but they expressed that they would be happy to participate in the next events.
Another reason was that the project teams were constantly in different locations due to the holiday season and the large-scale global events being abroad.


Thank you, I hope you can plan the next one again!

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Thanks for the report.
Great initiative! Well done.

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A budget of 60$ was raised and my team and I decided to send it back to the treasury.

Where did this budget come from?
We decided to give 9 of our participants $10 worth of $ASTR tokens and our specially designed t-shirts. Although we delivered the t-shirts to all of them, we could not deliver the $ASTR rewards.

The reason?
6 people did not submit their wallet address (we tried to reach them and waited 19 days)
3 people reached out to us and I sent it to them.


I’d like to send back the $60.
Can you give me a wallet address? @Gaius_sama


Just checked the recap video. Tbh, great work.
About the Coindesk Link, I cant seem to open it, could you please check again: https://www.coindeskturkiye.com/yazarlar/sinancan-ozturk/astar-networkturkiyedeki-ilk-etkinligini-duzenledi-6716?

Hello @MrKarahanli-Emre

Thanks for your work and congratulations on your event! :clap:

You can transfer the ASTR tokens back to the community treasury: ZfEuzYHyfo5TZfAx9fsntdkx2W4gDFLPwUNeqSrJTpQJXDc


Thank you!


Agreed, great content, superb event, keep up the good work! Waiting for another one soon!

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The event looks very fun. Anyway, thank you very much for helping to organize such a great event. =)

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Congratulations on bringing Astar to that great event! :clap:t3:

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Great transparency. I’d like to support the next event as well.

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Thank you bao <3
I believe in transparency and decentralization.

I also work so transparently so that the community can get to know and trust me better.

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Great Job @MrKarahanli-Emre. And Thanks for the event.

Please check:

About the Coindesk Link, I cant seem to open it, could you please check again: https://www.coindeskturkiye.com/yazarlar/sinancan-ozturk/astar-networkturkiyedeki-ilk-etkinligini-duzenledi-6716 ?

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Ohh, I guess the link changed when I updated a typo.

Original Link;

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